Studying abroad has helped me out of my comfort zone

Growing up in a busy city it was nice to experience living in a calm quiet city. I like how the city is based around the universities and how everything is within reach. I absolutely love the greenery. My first thought about the university was that there are no two buildings that look the same. I also quickly realised how friendly and understanding everyone is. And how international it is! It’s a peaceful environment and I love how student-friendly everything is.
When I was researching degrees two years ago I was just really excited about medical genetics and I could see myself passionately talking about and working in this field. I enjoy the research we do about a specific topic which gives me ideas of what I want to do in the future. This research is not only biological but it also has ethical issues which made me learn so much about how people think. I also enjoy the coursework and research because it doesn’t limit my knowledge to just what we are taught in lectures.
Studying abroad has been an emotional rollercoaster but I'm very happy where I am now. It was my first time leaving my family and being independent. The best parts for sure were getting to meet so many different people from different backgrounds. To anyone considering it, I would say that they will not regret their choice at all. Do not worry about feeling left out or like you don’t fit in because there is something for every single person.