Professor Laurence Brooks
BSc (Bristol), PhD (Liverpool)
Information School
Professor of Information Systems

Full contact details
Information School
Room C232
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
I am the Professor for Information Systems in the iSchool at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ. Before joining ºù«Ӱҵ, I was the Professor of Technology and Social Responsibility in the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR) at De Montfort University (DMU), where I still hold a visiting Professor role. While at DMU I was also the School lead for all PGT programmes, Programme Leader (PL) for MSc Information Systems Management (ISM), Module Leader (ML) for IMAT5314, PGT Project/Dissertation, Past-chair of the Faculty Research Ethics Committee (FREC), PI on the H2020 funded TechEthos project, Co-Investigator on the H2020 funded SHERPA project, PI and
co-ordinator of DMU contribution to the EPSRC funded Horizon: Creating Our Lives in Data, Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT).
Prior to joining DMU, I was the Director of Postgraduate Studies and responsible for all MSc programmes in the Department of Computer Science (was the Department of Information Systems and Computing or DISC), Brunel University London. I was a Senior Lecturer at Brunel, the link tutor for the London Brunel International College (LBIC), a co-opted member of the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) and a member of the Institute of Environment, Health and Societies, Biomedical Engineering theme. I have been an elected member of University Senate, the Course Director for the MSc in Information Systems Management (ISM) and the past Chair of the School Research Ethics Committee (SREC).
Prior to that I was a Lecturer in Information Technology and Management (ITBML) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of York. Previously I was a Research Associate at what has now become the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge.University responsibilities
- Member of the REF management group
- Research interests
My research interests sit around the area of ICT and people, whether at the individual, group or societal level. I am also interested in the ethics of current and emerging technologies, that is not just that technologies such as AI or digital extended reality can be developed and applied, but should it and if so in what ways? Some of the key ethical issues with these technologies include issues around privacy and security, surveillance, transparency, irreversibility, bias, inclusion and distributive justice.
I use and work with a range of social theories (ie. Sociomateriality, Structuration Theory, Actor Network Theory) to gain insights into how we and the world interact with and reflect ICT and other emerging technologies.
I have engaged with research in a number of areas, including:- social media
- eGovernment
- ICT4D (ICT with and for development)
- Healthcare
Research is a vital part of the academic world and I am always keen to discuss possible research opportunities. If you are interested in a PhD studentship in Information Systems, Technology and Social Responsibility, ICT4D, eGovernment, eHealth, Ethics and technology, etc., please contact me to discuss further.
- Publications
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Teaching activities
INF401 - AI in Organisations
INF6110 - Information Systems Modelling
INF6320 - Information Systems and Organisations
Professional Issues for Information Systems
- Professional activities and memberships
- Visiting Professor in Computing and Social Responsibility in the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK
- UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) - board member, Fellow and Past President
- UK Systems Society - Past President
- AIS Special Interest Group on Philosophy (SIGPhil) - Past President
- Graduate member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- Member of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.2, 9.4 and 8.5.
- Information Technology and People (IT&P) – Senior Editor
- Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES) - Editorial Advisory Board
- Research projects evaluator, FFG, Austrian Research Council
- Expert ethics Advisor/Reviewer for the European Commission (EC)
- Visiting Professor of Technology and Social Responsibility, School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, UK
- External examiner - London School of Economics (LSE) – external programme
- External examiner - Loughborough University - Information Systems modules in the Business School