I feel like this is a new beginning with endless possibilities

Student working on a laptop
Kate Greenfield
Current student
MA Library and Information Services Management
Kate chose to return to education so that she could learn some new skills, and use the knowledge gained from the course to progress in her career within Knowledge Management.

I have always enjoyed learning new things, so this course (MA Library and Information Services Management) for me was a great opportunity to learn about the library and information sector, as a relative newcomer to the profession. The distance learning course is so well run, and you never feel like you are an ‘after thought’ - the type of service you get is tailored for distance learners. I have also really enjoyed that, although the modules all have focus, you have a lot of scope to develop your own thinking and interests within each module. I particularly enjoyed learning more and writing about 'Clinical Librarianship'.

Supported to help overcome challenges

I have faced some personal difficulties including illness and loss which affected my studies. Every time I have asked for help I have received it, from a learning plan, potential extensions, actual extensions, and general support. It's amazing how just telling someone your circumstances can start to ease the stress and burden which studying and working can cause. I have always felt like I have options which would enable me to complete my MA, and always received warmth and kindness through all of my interactions around these difficulties.

A typical day working in Knowledge Management

I am currently a Knowledge Assistant for a Knowledge Management Team in NHS England. We provide knowledge and library services for the Workforce, Training and Education directorate which is tasked with ensuring a well trained and fit for purpose workforce. A lot of this role entails searching for many articles and resources, as well as building and adding to our organisational repository of staff publications. I have been really fortunate to work for a great and supportive team, developing my skills in literature searching and horizon scanning, and I enjoy producing evidence products upon request as well as editing and creating content for horizon scanning bulletins. 

My day is never the same, and varies from spending a day looking for articles, through to looking for evidence, as well as general administrative tasks associated with the small team. I work from home and from our offices, which has been really helpful in managing childcare obligations too.

Student working on a laptop

Balancing work and study

As I head into my final weeks of study, I am really looking forward to being away from a computer screen and watching some guilt free tv and reading fiction again! Studying while working isn't for the disorganised, especially when you add children into the mix. That being said, the option to attend lectures live or to catch up afterwards eases the pressure of always having to make time in your day, and support from tutors and other students has also been helpful. I attended sessions wherever I could as it was so useful to discuss reading or things as a group - other perspectives are always useful and it helps remind you that this isn't something being done in isolation. The option to catch up was great though and I still got a lot out of those sessions. I think that the course is structured in a way that enables you to navigate life as well as study. I often dedicate certain days and evenings to studying, and then give myself days/evenings off to spend time with family. This type of time management has enabled me to get some downtime without stressing about studying. I also give myself earlier deadlines for assignments, so if there are any life events near an assignment deadline, I have some buffer room. This has really helped manage my stress levels.

Career goals

I would like to go on to do a Knowledge Specialist role within my current team, or a Clinical Librarian role within the NHS trust, and this qualification will enable me to fulfil those aspirations, as I have little previous experience in this sector. I am also aware that the skills and knowledge gained from this programme opens up opportunities in other sectors. I feel like this is a new beginning with endless possibilities, and only wish I had found the profession sooner!

Advice for future students

Do it! I had little confidence in my academic abilities, having completed my undergraduate degree over 20 years ago, but yet here I am in my final weeks having passed everything so far. You will probably never see yourself as having the time, so you might as well jump in and see what happens. I think the enjoyment of the course has outweighed the stress and deadlines, and lack of reading fiction for a while!

Four smiling postgraduate students sat working together in a campus location - one of the group is typing on their laptop.

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