Copyright infringement policy

This page provides an outline of the University's copyright infringement policy, as well as guidance on the process supporting this policy.


Our policy

University computing facilities (including any University provided connection to the Internet) must not be used to copy or distribute copyright material without authorisation of the copyright owner. This includes movies, music, software and electronic books.

The use of University facilities in breach of copyright law is a serious matter, which can damage the good name of the University and is against University regulations and English law.

The University will investigate all reports of University computing facilities being used to copy or distribute copyright material without authorisation of the copyright owner.

Material that is proven to infringe the law or is in breach of University policy will be removed. Users found to be in breach of this policy may have their accounts temporarily or permanently suspended and/or face disciplinary action. 

The use of peer to peer software on the University network is permitted but not supported. The use of peer to peer software to illegally copy or distribute copyright material is forbidden.

For information on the process supporting this policy, including how to report an infringement, please see below.

Process for handling copyright complaints

University computing facilities (including any University provided connection to the Internet) must not be used to copy or distribute copyright material without authorisation of the copyright owner. This includes movies, music, software and electronic books. 

Reporting copyright infringement

You can report copyright infringement to the University of ºù«Ӱҵ by emailing with a detailed description and location of the protected material along with any other supporting information.

Your complaint will be acknowledged within one working day.

Enforcement of copyright infringement policy - centrally managed services

Where material is hosted on a centrally managed service (such as the University website) the University will investigate all reports of University computing facilities being used to copy or distribute copyright material without authorisation of the copyright owner.

Material that is proven to infringe the law or is in breach of University policy will be removed.

Users found to be in breach of this policy may have their accounts temporarily or permanently suspended and/or face disciplinary action. 

Enforcement of copyright infringement policy - individual computers

This section applies to copyright material being made available from an individual computer connected to the University's network. This includes, but is not limited to, personally owned computers and University owned computers.

Where copyright infringement has been alleged we will contact the person responsible for any computer account (the account holder) or computer (the person who registered the computer) identified. We will inform them of the alleged infringement and ask them to provide a response.

Providing we receive a satisfactory response within two working days then no further action will usually be taken.

Failure to respond within two working days may result in the suspension of network access. If network access is suspended a second email will be sent (to the person responsible for that computer or account) asking them to respond to first email within five working days. 

Access to computer accounts and use of University provided computers in student computer rooms would usually still be permitted to enable the individual to continue with their studies.

Failure to respond within five working days may result in the suspension of access to all University computing facilities.

Any incident that is a repeated offence or where circumstances warrant, may result in formal disciplinary action being sought under the University's discipline regulations. 

Further information

If you have any questions or comments relating to the University's copyright infringement policy or the process that supports it contact