Training hosted by ITN-MIMIC.

The MIMIC individual research projects are an integral part of MIMIC´s training philosophy and follow the idea of training through research. All research projects are designed as tight collaboration between all three MIMIC full-participants contributing different expertise to the project.
In addition to individual research projects MIMIC provides network-wide experimental training by establishment of experimental training stations reflecting the expertise of the consortium and performed at the principal investigators laboratories.
These training stations can be combined in a modular manner to design a fellow specific experimental training. The training stations covers disciplines like Cell Biology, Engineering and Drug Development.
Experimental training stations (A-G)
Graphic transcript:
Cell Biology
- A. Genome editing/protein/protein interaction (USHEF)
- B. Molecular celullar imaging (USHEF)
- C. Developmental biologoy (USHEF.MIME)
- D. Microfabrication (USHEF IC)
- E. Organ on a chip/microfluidics (MIME)
Drug development
- F. High-throughput screening (GALA)
- G. Drug target validation (GALA)