Working Well: Interventions for happier, healthier and more productive organisations

The Institute of Work Psychology is running a series of online webinars as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science aimed at improving workplace wellbeing and effectiveness.

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Interested in improving your workplace wellbeing and effectiveness?

Join researchers from the Institute of Work Psychology in this series of online workshops to find out about a variety of cutting edge practical tools and techniques designed to help organisations create happier, healthier and more productive workplaces. Learn how these tools can be implemented in your own organisation.

The timetable is below and feel free to attend any or all of the four sessions. Each session will provide a mix of presentations, interactive demonstrations and opportunities for questions.   

Date Title Presenters Register for this session
Monday 9 November

ESTEEM: Safety Training for Construction Workers

The workshop will introduce participants to our state-of-the-art training programme designed to improve the safety behaviours of construction workers in order to reduce accidents and injuries. The session will be interactive, giving participants the chance to try out some of the training activities.  We will also briefly present some key results of the evaluation of the training and the different guidelines that have been developed for individual workers, work groups, supervisors and occupational health professionals.

Rose Shepherd

Karina Nielsen

Wednesday 11 November

Behaviour in Teams (BIT): How to Improve Team Working by Live Coding Meetings

The Behaviour in Teams project has developed methods to code how people behave in team meetings and help them improve how their teams work together by giving immediate feedback on these behaviours, and the opportunity to improve. Working with over 500 teams, we have shown how giving feedback can lead to changes in subsequent behaviour and performance. In this session, we will introduce the behaviour categories, give a practical demonstration of how the coding is applied in a team meeting setting, and summarise our key findings and what organisations can learn from these.

Jeremy Dawson

Thursday 12 November

CLEAR IDEAS: Training to Improve Your Creativity and Innovation

Organisations are facing increasing pressures to continually innovate in order to succeed. The research-based CLEAR IDEAS (CI) training method was therefore created as a means of developing the skills of leaders and employees to collaboratively both generate creative solutions and implement them more effectively in the workplace. Thousands of people have now taken part in CI workshops and significant impacts on organisational functioning have been produced. During this workshop, participants will be provided with an overview of how the CI model works and practice developing their creative thinking skills. 

Kamal Birdi

Friday 13 November

H-Work: Identifying Appropriate Interventions for Improving Employee Mental Health & Wellbeing

This session will present an overview of an EU funded project () which aims to improve mental health and wellbeing in the public sector and Small-to-Medium sized organizations. We will first present a toolkit that enables organizations to identify interventions for improving wellbeing that are targeted at individuals, groups, leaders and organizational policies and practice. Examples of interventions for promoting mental health and wellbeing will also be provided. Attendees will gain an understanding of the principles behind the toolkit and gain inspiration on what types of interventions to implement.  They will also receive practical advice and examples of how to conduct a wellbeing needs analysis within their organization, and how to choose the most appropriate types of intervention to deal with the needs identified. 

Karina Nielsen

Carolyn Axtell

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