Frequently asked questions

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Who do I report to on my first day?

Your recruiting department should have provided you with information on who, when and where to report to on your first day. If you have not received this information, please contact them directly.

What are my hours of work?

You should have been informed of your hours of work by your new department, if not, you should contact your new manager to find out.

What is the dress code?

There is no set University dress code, and may vary by department. If you have not been told what the dress code is, please contact your department directly.

How do I obtain a parking permit?

The University operates several different types of car parks with different conditions of use and prices.

Please visit the Parking Services web pages once you begin your role for specific information on parking at the University.

What alternatives to driving are there for me to get to work?

ºù«Ӱҵ is committed to sustainable travel and seeks to promote alternatives to one-person-one-car commuter travel where possible. There are several alternatives to driving such as cycling to work, public transport (including a state of the art tram system) and walking.

More information can be found on our Information for visitors pages.

When will I get my new starter appointment with payroll?

Colleagues in Finance will get in touch with you directly by email with further details of the information you need to provide, relating to your bank details, your Tax Code and your National Insurance Number.

How much annual leave am I entitled to?

The amount of leave you are entitled to is dependent on the Grade in which you work at.

  • Those on Grades 1 – 6 are entitled to 27 days, 3 closure days and 8 bank holidays.
  • Those on Grades 7+ are entitled to 30 days, 3 closure days and 8 bank holidays.

What pension arrangements are there for staff?

The University offers two pension schemes for staff.

Depending on your Grade of work, they are:

  • USPS for those on Grade 1 – 5
  • USS for those Grade 6+. 

Automatic enrolment legislation means that all staff who meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be enrolled into the relevant pension scheme upon joining the University.

What staff benefits am I entitled to?

Working at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ brings many benefits, and our success relies on the talent and contributions of all staff.

Take a look at the range of benefits available to University of ºù«Ӱҵ staff.

Are there opportunities for professional and personal development within the organisation?

The University is committed to enabling staff to develop their skills and knowledge, to provide benefit to individual staff members, as well as providing organisational improvements in how work is undertaken.

There are a wide range of development opportunities available to University staff. These include a number of courses delivered by Human Resources, Student Services, IT Services and Research, Partnerships and Innovation.

A remarkable place to work

We're one of the UK's best not-for-profit places to work, according to the Sunday Times' ranking of Britain’s happiest and most motivated workforces.