Relocation Expenses: Frequently Asked Questions

- Am I eligible for relocation?
To be eligible for relocation support you must meet the criteria outlined below:
- Only costs incurred on, or after the date of the written offer of employment can be claimed.
- Be appointed to a permanent contract at Grade 7 or above.
- Change your main residence as a result of taking up the post at the University.
- Your existing main residence must normally be more than a 25 miles radius of the new place of work. Your new main residence must be within a 25 miles radius of the new place of work. The new residence must become your main residence.
- All must be met.
- The costs must be incurred within the . The costs must be paid before the end of the tax year that’s after the one in which you start your job (for example, if you start on 1 September 2024, all costs must be claimed by 5 April 2026). The tax year runs from 6 to 5 April (only costs incurred on, or after the date of the written offer of employment can be claimed).
The following exclusions apply to relocation support:
- You will not be eligible for relocation support if you are appointed to a Marie Curie fellowship, KTP Associate, or other externally funded role, not on University terms & conditions which means you do not receive a salary from the University.
- If two colleagues/cohabiting couples residing in the same main residence are both appointed to roles and are relocating to take up these roles in the same main residence, then the University will only reimburse one set of costs.
- Immigration Health Surcharge costs: These may be reimbursed via the Visa Reimbursement Scheme. See Visa Reimbursements below.
- The reimbursement of relocation costs is intended to support the recruitment of new University employees and therefore precludes existing employees transferring to a new post within the University, or staff who have been promoted, from making claims for relocation costs.
- What expenses can I claim using my tax-free relocation allowance?
The University will reimburse several categories of expenditure including specific costs related to (for further, more detailed information regarding claimable expenses outlined in the bullet points below, please see Section 5 of the Relocation Expenses Policy):
- Personal travel to relocate to your new residence (single journey).
- Removal costs.
- Temporary and guest accommodation.
- Long term and permanent accommodation.
- Sale and purchase costs of property.
If you have any questions regarding claimable expenses please contact the Travel and Business Expenses Team (email: for advice.
- What expenses are excluded from the scheme?
There are a number of categories of expenditure that the University will NOT reimburse, including, but not limited to the following:
Removal costs
- The separate removal of individual items, for example a piano.
- The removal of motor vehicles, livestock or domestic animals.
- The separate removal of work related equipment e.g. laboratory items, files and cabinets, books or computers other than those owned personally (the staff member should seek financial assistance from their department for reimbursement towards work related costs).
Property costs
- The payment of mortgage or housing subsidies if the employee moves to an area of higher housing cost.
- The interest payments on the mortgage of the employee’s existing home.
- The cost of disconnection and reconnection of utility services.
- The redirection of mail.
- The mortgage arrangement fees.
- Council tax charges whilst properties are empty.
- The cost of any home improvements, furniture or domestic goods.
- Cleaning of previous property or fees related to early mortgage settlements or rental agreements.
Personal costs
- The costs incurred in obtaining visas and passports are not covered by this policy. See details of the Visa Reimbursement Scheme below.
- The compensation for losses incurred on sale of property or personal belongings.
For full details of what will and will not be reimbursed, please contact the Travel and Business Expenses Team (email:, ideally before incurring any expenditure.
- How do I claim?
Once in receipt of the offer letter new employees should contact the Travel and Business Expenses Team (email: for advice. The Travel and Business Expenses Team will:
- Confirm the time limits within which costs should be incurred and claims made for reimbursement.
- Discuss any unusual circumstances particular to the employee and provide advice on how this may affect an employee’s claim.
- Ensure the employee is clear as to the documentation required to support any claim for reimbursement, e.g. the retention of all relevant quotes and receipts for costs incurred.
Should your circumstances change during the relocation process you must inform the Travel and Business Expenses Team at the earliest opportunity so they can advise on any potential impact upon the claim.
Claims for reimbursement must be made using the University’s expenses system and on the appropriate accompanied by original receipts, invoices and supporting documentation Original receipts in the employee’s name (credit/debit card receipts cannot be accepted) are required to support your claim).
Once completed you will need to submit the form to the nominated individual in your school/department who process the form and submit it to central Finance.
- Can I claim relocation expenses before I start my new job with the University?
No, you cannot claim for your relocation expenses until after you have started working at the University.
- Can I claim for expenses incurred prior to my start if they are directly linked to my relocation?
You can claim eligible travel and costs for (evidence that the old home is currently for sale may be requested):
- Preliminary visits to the new location.
- Travelling between the old home and the new work location during the interim period when the old home is in the process of being sold.
- Travelling between the new home and the old work location (where the house move takes place before the job transfer).
- Temporary living accommodation (normally up to one month).
- Travelling between the old home and the temporary living accommodation.
- Travelling between the new home and the temporary living accommodation (where the house move takes place before the job transfer).
- Travelling from the old home to the new home when the move takes place.
Please note that the above costs will form part of the overall claim and therefore reduce the available 'pot' - e.g. visits from long-distance could greatly impact fund availability for actual removal costs.
- Are there any exceptions to the HMRC requirement to claim my relocation expenses by the end of the tax year following my commencement of employment?
If you believe it is unlikely that the purchase of a new home and relocation to it will take place within the time period available, based on the start date of your contract, you should contact the Travel and Business Expenses Team. In certain very limited circumstances, such as school age children taking exams, HMRC may consider a request to extend the time limit. To seek an extension, please contact the Travel and Business Expenses Team as soon as possible by emailing
- Can I claim for the cost of my Visa?
Visa reimbursement is available through the Visa Reimbursement Scheme and should not be claimed under relocation.
- If I live in temporary accommodation (hotel/rented) until the old home is sold/new home purchased, can I claim for the hotel bills/rent until relocation?
Temporary accommodation is only allowable if your intention is to move to a permanent residence and you are actively looking. You will need to demonstrate that the 'old' home is on the market.
- I will be relocating but I won’t be purchasing a property, I will be renting as my main residence. Can the agency fees for this property be claimed?
Yes, this can be included in your relocation claim. Rental costs of a maximum of one month will be allowed as relocation costs. Please contact for further details.
- Can I claim under my tax free allowance for my books to be moved from my old workplace to my new workplace by a removal firm?
Yes, but the claim must come from within your relocation allowance. To minimise costs, most new employees will move their books from their old workplace using their own transport to their old home so that they can be moved with their furniture etc in a single transaction. They then move them from their new home to their new workplace using their own transport. You cannot claim any expenses for moving your books from workplace to home and vice-versa as this falls outside the HMRC regulations.
- Can I claim for the cost of my rental deposit?
No, deposits cannot be reclaimed as these are reimbursed when the property is vacated.
For further advice and support please contact the Travel and Business Expenses team (