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Scroll down to learn about the guest speakers at the International Public and Political Communication conference.
Alastair Campbell
Distinguished keynote speaker
Monday 22 March 10-11am
Alastair Campbell is an esteemed author, journalist, broadcaster, emeritus professor, mental health campaigner and political strategist. He initially worked as a political correspondent and editor at the Daily Mirror and Today newspapers, before moving into politics and government. He worked as Tony Blair’s chief press secretary and official spokesperson from 1994 to 2000, then as Campaign Director for Labour during their 2005 victory, acting as an advisor to Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband. During his time in government Alastair revolutionised Downing Street’s entire communications apparatus.
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Shayan Sardarizadeh
Covering Fake News, Disinformation and Verification during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Monday 22 March 11-12pm
Shayan Sardarizadeh is a journalist specialising in investigating online disinformation, conspiracy theories and extremism at the BBC World Service and BBC Monitoring. He produces instructional videos for the BBC on how to verify online information and identify fake news, and has led detailed investigations into the rise of online political advertising and the rise of far-right and conspiratorial narratives, such as QAnon, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Originally from Iran, prior to working for the BBC Shayan supervised the international news section of Iranian national radio and worked at the Iranian Ministry for Industry.
Dr Emma L Briant
Uncovering Cambridge Analytica and the Digital Influence Industry
Monday 22 March 2-3pm
Dr Briant is an Associate Researcher at Bard College. She is one of the key researchers responsible for uncovering the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018 and has an extensive background as a professor in information operations, propaganda and human rights. Her books include Bad News for Refugees (Pluto Press 2013, co-authored with Greg Philo and Pauline Donald) and Propaganda and Counter-Terrorism: Strategies for Global Change (Manchester University Press 2015). Her forthcoming book is entitled Propaganda Machine: Inside Cambridge Analytica and the Digital Influence Industry (Bloomsbury 2021).
Emma has spent the past 13 years researching SCL Group and Cambridge Analytica, mapping their worldwide clients, and was central in revealing their wrongdoing in 2018. This research formed the basis for important evidence submitted to the UK Parliament, US Congressional committees and testimony for the European Parliament, among other public inquiries; and for advising policymakers and big tech executives.
Web: | Twitter
Philip Collins
Speechwriting, rhetoric and crafting memorable messages
Tuesday 23 March 9-11am
Philip Collins is an internationally renowned academic, journalist and professional speechwriter. He is the founder of and writer-in-chief at , a collective of speech writers who specialise in rhetoric, persuasion and the art of the argument. Philip was chief speechwriter to former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and writes a weekly column in the New Statesman. He is also the author of five books, including two on rhetoric, and has previously been chair of trustees at Demos, the director of the Social Market Foundation and a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford.
Screening/streaming of People You May Know
Katharina Gellein Vitken and Charlies Kriel’s documentary People You May Know (2021) provides fascinating insight into the contemporary digital influence industry. Set in the build-up to the 2020 US presidential elections, the film uncovers the emerging political alliance between mainstream political parties, Christian fundamentalists, oligarchs and PR and political consultancy firms. Made by Vitken, an award-winning director, producer and actor, and Kriel, an academic, journalist and film producer, the film opens the lid on one of the biggest scandals of our time – the (ab)use of people’s data for the maintenance of commercial and political power.
People You May Know will be available to stream across the entire conference period.
International Public and Political Communications in Times of Crises and Uncertainty

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