Previous Corporate and Commercial Law Events by SICCL
Previous events, conferences and workshops held by the ºù«Ӱҵ Institute for Corporate and Commercial Law (SICCL).

Previous Events
2022 - 2023
- 2021-2022
Title: Regulating Democratic Engagement Through Data Protection Law?
Discussants: Dr Irini Katsirea (Reader in International Media Law, School of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of ºù«Ӱҵ), Dr David Erdos (Associate Professor in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge) and Dr Oliver Butler (Assistant Professor in Law, School of Law, University of Nottingham), and was chaired by SICCL Deputy Director (2021/22) Dr Konstantina Bania.
Date: 11 May 2022
On 11 May, SICCL hosted a hybrid panel event titled ‘Regulating Democratic Engagement Through Data Protection Law?’, with SICCL members and invited external speakers discussing the role and limitations of data protection regimes in addressing the regulatory challenges arising from online data-driven political targeting. The event was also held in celebration of the publication of SICCL member Dr Jiahong Chen’s book Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law.
The panellists included Dr Irini Katsirea (Reader in International Media Law, School of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of ºù«Ӱҵ), Dr David Erdos (Associate Professor in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge) and Dr Oliver Butler (Assistant Professor in Law, School of Law, University of Nottingham), and was chaired by SICCL Deputy Director Dr Konstantina Bania.
The event was held on campus in Moot Court, Bartolome House, with an online audience joining remotely. Departing from the coverage in Dr Chen’s book on the current data protection legal framework governing online political targeting, the panellists discussed the potential impact of the ongoing legal reform in the UK, the interactions with other fields of regulation such as media and competition law, and the relevance of the online safety initiatives in the UK and the EU. In response to questions from the audience, the panel also addressed the wider issues of data governance and internet governance.
Dr Chen’s book is published by Edward Elgar and is available in both and .
Title: the Photographed Subject & the Privacy Right in the Spectacle Society.
Speaker: Rebecca Moosavian (University of Leeds)
Date: Wednesday 24 November 2021
Join Rebecca Moosavian as she discusses her ongoing research concerning photography and the Article 8 ECHR privacy. The seminar will start by outlining Rebecca's research in ‘Stealing ‘Souls’? Article 8 & Photographic Intrusion’ [2018] Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly. This piece draws upon cultural theorists and examines why Art 8 case law treats photography as a distinct form of information that is ‘special’ and particularly intrusive in nature. It analyses a prominent, influential dichotomy in privacy discourse; the divide between an outer ‘self’ presented to the world and a ‘spiritual’, emotional interior that privacy purports to protect from transgression.
The seminar will then draw upon the subsequent research that undertakes a comparative analysis of the photographed subject in the privacy laws of England and New York state (NY). It identifies striking disparities in privacy protections for photographed individuals in NY and English law. It finds that though NY privacy law accommodates commercial interests in one’s image more readily than its English counterpart, NY protection for dignity-based claims in image is far weaker than English law, even when such claims appear cogent.
Finally, Rebecca will consider her current co-authored research-in-progress that develops themes in ‘Stealing Souls’. Its starting point is the right to privacy which emerged in the 19th Century, primarily to protect an individual’s dignity or inviolate personality from unwanted commodification, a rationale that remains influential. This current research asks whether the Art 8 privacy right effectively limits unwanted commodification, or whether it facilitates the very commodification privacy was intended to prevent.
Title: On the Sociology of Law in Economic Relations
Date: Wednesday 17 November 2021
A focus on law’s role in economic activities was central to many of the classical sociologists, and it remains a key theme in the sociology of law, although no longer central. The view of capitalism as a market economy is reflected in formalist perspectives on economics, law and even sociology, and limits these understandings.
Economic sociologists and institutional economists have examined the extensive institutionalisation of economic activity due to the shift to corporate capitalism since the last part of the 19th century, and have focused on law’s role in these processes. The neo-liberal phase of capitalism since the 1970s brought a renewed emphasis on property rights and market-based management, but accompanied by an enormous growth of new forms of regulation, often of a hybrid public-private character, leading to a new view of law as reflective or responsive, very different from traditional formalist perspectives.
We argue that law’s role in the economy can be better understood by examining the social processes of lawyering, mediating between the realms of political and economic power, through practices of legal interpretation that both reflect and shape economic activity.
- 2020-2021
SICCL Annual Conference: AI and Employment Law
This conference is jointly hosted by SICCL and the ºù«Ӱҵ Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI)
Date: 31st March 2021
Public Seminar
Speaker: Professor John Linarelli (Touro Law)
Date: Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Public Seminar
Speaker: Professor Christine Parker (Melbourne Law School)
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Vicarious Liability after Barclays and Morrisons – A New Direction?
Participants include: James Brown (University of ºù«Ӱҵ) Professor Paula Giliker (University of Bristol) Elizabeth-Anne Gumbel QC (1 Crown Office Row)
Date: Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Public Seminar
Speaker: Professor Geoffrey M Hodgson (Loughborough University London)
Date: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Public Seminar
Speaker: Professor Iris Chiu (University College London)
Public Seminar
Speaker: Professor Hanoch Dagan (Tel-Aviv University)