Children and the Law members’ selected publications

Discover some of the work our members have published in relation to children and the law.
- Dr Jonathan Collinson
- ‘Rights Claims of Citizen Children of Foreign National Parents in South Africa, the UK, and the European Court of Human Rights: Hierarchies of “Illegality” and Deservingness’ (2023) 37 International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family ebad019, with Julia Sloth-Nielsen and Amanda Spalding.
- ‘What Does the “Best Interests of the Child” Mean for Protecting Children’s Digital Rights? A Narrative Literature Review in the Context of the ICO’s Age Appropriate Design Code’ (2022) 27 Communications Law 132, with Jen Persson.
- ‘Beyond Decisions «Ӱҵ a Child and Decisions Affecting a Child in Deportation Cases’ (2022) 30 The International Journal of Children’s Rights 703.
- A Fateful Legacy of Childhood: The Deportation of Non-Citizen Offenders from the UK’ (2021) 35 Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law 230, with John Eekelaar.
- ‘Making the Best Interests of the Child a Substantive Human Right at the Centre of National Level Expulsion Decisions’ (2020) 38 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 169.
- ‘Immigration Tribunal Fees as a Barrier to Access to Justice and Substantive Human Rights Protection for Children’ [2017] Public Law 1.
- Professor Sara Fovargue
- ‘Which ethical values underpin England’s National Health Service reset of paediatric and maternity services following COVOD-19: A rapid review (2021) 11 BMJ Open 1-25, doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049214, with A. Chiumento, P. Baines, C. Redhead, H. Draper, L. Frith.
- ‘What role should public opinion play in ethico-legal decision making?: The example of selecting sex for non-medical reasons using preimplantation genetic diagnosis’ (2016) 24 Medical Law Review 34-58, with R. Bennett.
- ‘Does the theoretical framework change the legal end result for mature minors refusing medical treatment or creating self-generated pornography?’ (2013) 13 Medical Law International 6-31, with S. Ost.
- ‘Doctrinal incoherence or practical problem? Minor parents consenting to their offspring’s medical treatment and involvement in research in England and Wales’ (2013) 25 Child and Family Law Quarterly 1-18.
- ‘Re R (A Child appearing by her Guardian ad litem): Assisting conception for the single infertile’ (2006) 18 Child and Family Law Quarterly 423-44.
- ‘The law’s response to pregnancy and childbirth: Consistency, conflict or compromise?’ (2002) 65 Modern Law Review 290-303.
- Dr Hannah Hirst
- ‘Children’s Rights and the ‘Power’ of Power Over’ (forthcoming) International Journal of Children’s Rights.
- ‘How Do Practices to 'Convert' Childhood Gender Diversity Impact a Child's Right to Develop?’ in Ilias Trispiotis and Craig Purshouse (eds), Banning 'Conversion Therapy' (2023, Hart Publishing).
- ‘The Legal Rights and Wrongs of Puberty Blockers in England’ (2021) 33(2) Child Family Law Quarterly115-142.
- ‘Visibility of Non-Cis Children’s Rights in Bell v Tavistock’ (2021) Early Career Children’s Rights Network (blog post).
- Dr Caterina Milo
- ‘COVID-19 vaccination and the role of informed consent: England as a case study’ (2023) 30(4) European Journal of Health Law 428-448.
- ‘Informing patients: the Bolam Legacy’ (2020) 20(2) Medical Law International 103-130.
- ‘An ethical and a legal challenge in the mitochondrial donations regulations: the right to know and trace one’s genetic origins’ (2018) 32(2) Oxford International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 170-183.
- Ms Penelope Russell
- ‘An Empirical Exploration of Parental Responsibility for Step-Parents’ (2014) 26(3) Child and Family Law Quarterly 301-321.
- ‘Brave new world? Care and custody of children at the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes in mid-Victorian England’ (2024) American Journal of Legal History.