
The University Library works with the following partners to realise the goals of the Comprehensive Content Strategy.


List of partners

Jisc (Collections) negotiate and license digital content agreements for the academic libraries, including leading the sector level negotiations with publishers to facilitate the transition towards greater open access. We use the standardised pricing, terms and conditions through Jisc to license many of our major subscriptions. We are also active participants in many Jisc groups and committees as well as feeding back our institutional perspectives on negotiations in progress and future innovations. JISC also develops shared services and infrastructure supporting open access and open research.

RLUK is a consortium of the most significant research libraries in the UK and Ireland that represents the interests of these libraries and their institutions and advocates on their behalf. It convenes regular meetings and runs specialist networks for the sharing of information, and supports projects for the development of new services and initiatives.

Sconul is a representative body for all UK University Libraries. It represents the sector to government, regulators and other stakeholders, as well as coordinating shared services. Notably, it collates sector wide statistics and writes an annual report about library acquisitions and collections. We actively participate in their communities of best practice to share our expertise and benefit from that of others.

NEYAL is the purchasing consortium of North Eastern and Yorkshire Academic Libraries that negotiates and governs the contracts with book and journal vendors. By negotiating collectively through NEYAL we seek to obtain the best value for money

N8 is the group of northern English Research Libraries that explores collaborative collection management and shared approaches to the supply of content.

White Rose Libraries is a strategic collaboration between the libraries of the Universities of ºù«Ӱҵ, York and Leeds pursuing initiatives that benefit from the pooling of resources and expertise, notably our research publications and theses repositories, (WRRO, WREO) and our open access White Rose University Press (WRUP) Collaborative innovation projects share the cost of improving our services across all three institutions.

Academic Libraries North is a consortium of HE libraries in the north of England. We are an active member and through its collaborative activities and mutual support, we share and exchange our knowledge and experience.

LIBER is an association of around 450 national, university and other libraries with the collective mission of ‘Enabling World Class Research’. Their 2018-2022 Strategy outlines their main areas of focus, including key topics such as Copyright Reform, Digital Humanities, Open Access, Metrics, and Research Data Management.

Ithaka S + R helps academic and cultural communities serve the public good and navigate economic, technological, and demographic change. Their work also aims to broaden access to higher education by reducing costs and improving student outcomes.

IATUL is an international forum for library managers that seeks to enable initiatives that make a difference to regional information infrastructure through sharing best practice and innovation.

OCLC is a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large.

Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is an international coalition of libraries, archives and other organisations concerned with the preservation of digital content and services. They aim to raise awareness, build capacity and promote good practice and good governance in this area through advocacy, community engagement and workforce development.

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. It provides access for researchers to the national library collection at its sites in London St Pancras and Boston Spa. It coordinates the national inter-library lending scheme and provides other specialist services to the sector.

The Archives and Records Association (ARA) is the leading professional body for archivists, archive conservators and records managers in the United Kingdom and Ireland. We have Institutional Affiliation membership.

The Association of Performing Arts Collections (APAC) is a network for those interested in performing arts heritage. The National Fairground and Circus Archive actively contributes towards the community.

The Group for Literary Archives and Manuscripts (GLAM) brings together professionals, researchers and anyone else with an interest in collecting, preservation, use and promotion of literary archives and manuscripts in Britain and Ireland to promote awareness, provide support and encourage partnership working and research.

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