Exceptions, fair dealing and reuse

Information and guidance on copyright exceptions, fair dealing and reuse of images/other media.



This page covers uses of copyright material under permitted acts in law. Copyright law contains certain defences allowing reuse of copyright materials for specified narrow purposes. These are known as exceptions to copyright, and we cover the ones which can be used in the UK.

Some commonly relied upon exceptions to copyright are subject to the principle of fair dealing. We discuss this important principle, and how you can make a reasoned judgement regarding your own use.

Fair dealing 

Fair dealing is a term used in UK law. It is our equivalent of the American fair use doctrine, and it functions very differently.

Fair dealing is a concept which is used in conjunction with specific exceptions. Our table of exceptions shows which ones are subject to fair dealing limitations.

There is no statutory definition of fair dealing, therefore no set amount of a work that can be used for a specific purpose. Instead, you should consider how a fair and reasonable person would view the use of the work.

Some factors that should be taken into account in deciding if your use of a copyright work is fair dealing:

  • Have you acknowledged the author and/or copyright owner, where practicable to do so?

  • Could your use act as a substitute for the work?

  • Are you using more than is necessary for achieving your intended purpose under the exception?

  • Can less of the work (or another work entirely) be used to achieve the same purpose?

  • Could your copying affect the market for the work i.e. could it cause the copyright holder to lose revenue?

Copyright exceptions

Exceptions are also known as permitted acts. Reusing a copyright work under an exception does not require permission from the copyright owner.

All of the exceptions below come from the current UK copyright legislation: the .

Section 29: Research and private study
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Research/Education You can make a single copy of a fair dealing amount for non-commercial research or private study. No No Yes Photocopying a chapter of a book in order to research a topic for an essay.
Section 29A: Copies for text and data analysis for non-commercial research
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Research/Education You can copy works for the purposes of text and data mining providing you have lawful access. No No No Extracting articles from a database in order to carry out a linguistic frequency analysis.
Section 30: Criticism, review, quotation and news reporting
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed Fair dealing? Potential application
Research/Education You can copy part of a work for these purposes. The quotation element was introduced in 2014, and covers quoting for any purpose. This does not cover unpublished works. Yes Varies - for quotation no, for the other uses yes Yes

Criticism: using low resolution versions of artworks in a thesis in order to discuss an academic theme.

Review: using sentences from a newly published book in order to review it.

Quotation: using a line of poetry as a decorative backdrop for a poetry event.

Section 30A: Caricature, parody or pastiche
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Research/Education This exception was introduced in 2014. You can copy part of a work for this purpose. This does not cover unpublished works. Yes No Yes Using a few lines from a song to create a parody sketch, or using small amounts of a film to create a larger pastiche work.
Section 31A and 31B: Accessible copies for disabled users
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Disability Individuals and institutions can make an accessible copy of the whole or part of a work for the users with any type of disability. No No No Making a large print copy of a book for a visually impaired person, so long as the person has lawful access to the original work.
Section 32: Illustration for instruction
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Teaching You can copy part of a work for the purpose of illustrating a teaching point. This is not limited to teaching within an educational establishment. No No Yes Including a short snippet of a video in a presentation, if the snippet is integral to the teaching point that you’re making.
Section 34: Performing, playing or showing work in course of activities of educational establishment
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Teaching You can perform, play or show a work for purposes of instruction in an educational establishment. Members of the public cannot be admitted. No Unclear No Playing a DVD of an entire film in a class where the film is related to the teaching.
Section 35: Recording of broadcasts
Category Summary Commercial use allowed? Contractual override allowed? Fair dealing? Potential application
Teaching You can record free-to-air broadcasts on behalf of educational establishments for non-commercial purposes. However, the takes precedence over this exception. No Yes No Making a recording of a television show and playing that recording in class or making it available on a secure VLE.


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