Attending conferences

An overview of the benefits of attendance at conferences for University staff and tips to make the most of them.


Benefits of attending conferences

Attendance at conferences, whether you’re presenting a paper or exhibiting a poster, can be hugely beneficial both to undergraduate and graduate students. We’ve listed some benefits and tips below and linked to support in the see also section.

  1. It’s an opportunity to seek early feedback on your work and get advice. Your research project will be stronger if people have had the opportunity to comment on it.
  2. There will often be workshops and events aimed at students and there may be discounted conference rates for students.
  3. You’ll meet new people and be exposed to new ideas which, if not immediately useful, may influence your career and research subsequently. Wear your name badge so people can identify you easily.
  4. Presenting papers at conferences helps you to develop transferable skills which will be essential throughout your working life. You’ll learn how to present using a clear style and get experience of answering questions.
  5. Exhibiting a poster also provides transferable skills and demonstrates you’re able to convey your research in a concise and engaging way. Stand next to your poster, talk to people who stop to read it and have a handout for people to take away.
  6. Attending talks and presentations enables you to hear the very latest research in your field and can help you identify topics and institutions you would like to work with in future.
  7. Explore the see also box and discover how the University can help prepare you to participate in conferences.

Ask your supervisor to suggest appropriate conferences to attend and use the guidance at  to check the value of attending.

Quick links

Communicating and disseminating your work

Information and Digital Literacy Workshops and webinars

Doctoral Development Programme (DDP) workshops

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See also

Poster presentations (from 301)