Database alerting services

As part of your work you’ll need to be kept up-to-date about what’s being published in that field of research. Make use of alerting services so you’re notified when new material is published.



As a member of the University you get access to highly sophisticated discovery tools. Some of them, such as the ones highlighted below, offer personalisation features which allow you to save searches and receive notifications.

To take advantage of these features search for the database in StarPlus ‘university collections’ and once you’re logged in, register for a free personal account. This enables the database providers to email you details of new publications and to use other features on offer.


Web of Science

From the top right-hand corner of the Web of Science screen, select ‘sign in’ and then ‘register’.


In Scopus, select ‘register’ from the top right-hand corner of the screen.

IEEE Xplore

In IEEE Xplore, follow the ‘personal sign-in’ link from the top of the screen.

Subject guides

From ‘discovering’ tab, look at the list of databases and check what personalisation options are available.

Quick links

Information and Digital Literacy Workshops

Doctoral Development Programme (DDP) workshops

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