Your thesis

As you write your thesis you will need to consider issues which arise as a result of making the content available to others, via White Rose eTheses Online. We try to address some of those below.

Making your thesis Open Access (uploading to WReO)

All postgraduate research students must submit their thesis electronically and make the full text of the thesis available via the University’s eTheses repository, White Rose eTheses Online (WReO).

Copyright considerations

Before making your thesis available online you will need to obtain permission if you are using substantial extracts of material owned by another person, This also includes figures, tables and illustrations. Follow our guidance about how to get permission and what to do if permission is not granted.

Read more about copyright

Embargo periods

There are some instances when you may have to delay making your thesis openly available through WReO, for example for commercial reasons or where you have included sensitive data. In such cases, an embargo may be necessary.

See guidance about embargoing a thesis

Publishers’ policies on prior publication

You may have concerns about Open Access and whether putting your thesis in WReO jeopardises future publications. Many publishers understand that your thesis has to be made publicly available to satisfy the requirements of the University and have developed policies with this in mind.