When is Morphology studied?
Morphology Timeline
6th Century BC
- Morphological studies date back here.
- At this time the ancient linguist Panini (see History of Linguistics) formulated 3,959 rules of Sanskrit morphology.[1]
1200 BCE
- Greco-Roman grammatical tradition interest in morphological analysis and studies in Arabic morphology by Mar膩岣 al-arw膩岣 and A岣ad b. 鈥榓l墨 Mas鈥樑玠.[2]
- Prague School: earliest group of linguists who set up their own literary circle.
- Used functioning frameworks and theories.[3]
- Influential to Michael Halliday when developing his own ideas on systemic functional grammar.[4]
Mid 20th Century
Late 20th Century
- Copenhagen School has changed approach from structural to functional[5] (see table below).
- Robert Van Valin (Role and reference grammar): engages functional analytical framework with a more formal mode of explanation. [8]
[1] Digital South Asia Library [online] Available at: http://dsal.uchicago.edu/reference/gazetteer/pager.html?objectid=DS405.1.I34_V02_298.gif [Accessed 15.05.2013].
[2] Wikipedia 鈥 Morphology (linguistics) page [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphology_(linguistics)#cite_note-0 [Accessed 15.05.2013]
[3] Prague Linguistics [online] Available at: http://www.praguelinguistics.org/en/about [Accessed 15.05.2013].
[4] hInternational Systematic Functional Linguistics Association [online] Available at: http://www.isfla.org/Systemics/definition.html [Accessed 15.05.2013]
[5] Seuren, Pieter A. M., (1998). Western linguistics: a historical introduction. London: Blackwell.
[6] University of Essex (2012) Lexical Functional Grammar [online] Available at: http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/external/LFG/ [Accessed: 15.05/2013].
[7] Functional Discourse Grammar website (2009) [online] Available at: http://home.hum.uva.nl/fdg/Home_index.asp [Accessed: [15.05.2013].
[8] hRole and Reference Grammar [online] available at: http://wings.buffalo.edu/linguistics//people/faculty/vanvalin/rrg.html [Accessed 15.05.2013].
[9] Wikipedia 鈥 Functional Discourse Grammar Page [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_discourse_grammar#cite_note-0[Accessed 18.05.2013].