Alumn list arranged by cohort.

- 2018 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor PhD - Nonlinear Normal Modes for Reduced Order Modelling of Machining Processes Worden, Keith N/A EngD - Advancing tool material and cutting technology for near net shape manufacture of titanium alloy components Jackson, Martin & EngD - The development of next generation cutting tools for high value aerospace components Fairclough, Patrick EngD - Fixture and strategy definition for aerofoil manufacturing PhD - Industrial Robotics for Advanced Machining Lord, Charles EngD - Developing predictive models for hole generation in advance aerospace metallic materials Ghadbeigi, Hassan EngD - Simulation of Machining-Induced Surface Damage in Metal Cutting Ghadbeigi, Hassan - 2017 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor EngD - Developing novel and flexible gear machining methodologies N/A EngD - Disruptive Machining Methods for Large Aerospace Wing Structures Pinna, Christophe EngD - Machinability of Titanium Alloys Jackson, Martin N/A N/A PhD - Characterisation of machining induced damage in composite materials N/A EngD - High Speed Abrasive Machining Ghadbeigi, Hassan PhD - Online Health Monitoring of Composite Manufacturing (ATP) Processes Dervilis, Nikolaos (1st), Cross, Elizabeth (2nd) N/A PhD - Improving Machining Productivity Using Inerters Sims, Neil & Wagg, David N/A EngD - Active and adaptive control of machining processes Panoutsos, George - 2016 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor EngD - Developing a non-destructive evaluation method for examining machined surfaces Ghadbeigi, Hassan / PhD - Predicting delamination damage in the machining of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composites Curiel-Sosa, Jose N/A EngD - Manufacturing and machining methods for hybrid vehicle motors Goodall, Russell EngD - Chip machining modelling for new titanium alloys / / EngD - The smart landing gear shopfloor: deployment toward Industry 4.0 Mahfouf, Mahdi EngD - The application of in-process inspection for adaptive computer aided machining EngD - Optimising tool performance in the cryogenic machining of light materials PhD - Fusion sensing of machine tool wear N/A - 2015 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor PhD - Developing an integrated process and materials model with on-line monitoring system, to optimise and control machining parameters for micro-machining of novel alloys PhD - Performance assessment of machined composites via novel metrics for surface quality N/A PhD - Dynamics of Robotic Machining N/A PhD - Development of a Grinding Dynamics Model N/A EngD - Automated testing of advanced cutting tool materials - 2014 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor Jeavons, Ian EngD - Measurement Performance of CNC Machine Tools and Robots EngD - Machinability method development for new aerospace powder materials / EngD - Optimisation of Finish Machining of Advanced Aerospace Materials - 2013 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor EngD - Surface integrity oriented development of machining technologies for Ti 6-4 Sims, Neil EngD - Fundamentals of Advanced Composite Machining EngD - Advanced Cost Engineering for Application of High Value Manufacturing Technology EngD - Correlation between machining monitoring signals, cutting tools wear and surface integrity on High Strength Titanium Alloys - 2012 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor PGDip - Development of variable geometry milling tools for enhanced productivity
N/A EngD - Effects of High Velocity Machining of High Strength Titanium Alloy EngD - Chatter Reduction with Tuned Mass Holders EngD - Thermo-Mechanical Impact of Machining Process on Work Piece Material Micro Structure EngD - RR1000 Machining Optimisation Jackson, Martin & Wynne, Brad - 2011 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor EngD - Development of Deep hole drilling technology for extreme L/D ratio holes. R&D into Tool tip tracking and steering technology EngD - Effect of Resin on Tool Wear in CFRP Machining