Callum van Dyk
MSc Occupational Psychology

Member of The Dean's List, class of 2020
Callum’s passion for his chosen career in psychology was clear from his stand out Dean's List application.
Striving for excellence
After gaining a place on the Psychological Consultancy Limited (PCL) Student Sponsorship Programme, he passed several British Psychological Society (BPS) Qualifications in Test Use and he became certified in the use of PCL’s psychometrics.
Over the course of four months, Callum supported the organisation, facilitation and evaluation of the 2020 conference for the Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP). He took the opportunity to network with psychologists, develop communication and team working skills, and attend conference workshops to improve his course-related knowledge.
Building further on his employability, he attended the Manheim Business School online summer school on the topic of big data and statistical analysis.
Helping fellow students
As an Academic Representative for his degree programme, Callum produced anonymous online questionnaires to enable his classmates to share their opinions openly. He arranged online study group sessions and coffee catch-ups with students across the University to reduce academic stress and boost morale. Callum also contributed to the discussion around the Safety Net Policy for academic grades.
During the pandemic, Callum felt he could add to the information already available to prospective students about his degree programme, so he took the initiative to design and host webinars, Q&As and one-to-one sessions to help promote the Occupational Psychology programme. As a result, he helped prospective students with their decision to apply and with their applications.
Stepping up to the plate
Throughout the five months of lockdowns during the pandemic, Callum volunteered as a ‘Walker’ for his local community group, the Hatton Helpers. He completed over 550 deliveries of prescriptions and shopping to vulnerable people who were shielding at home. He also volunteered to be a ‘Talker’ in case his community members who felt lonely wanted to chat with a member of the volunteer group.
Next for Callum
After graduation, Callum successfully acquired a role as Trainee Occupational Psychologist working at the UK Government’s Ministry of Justice.