Ludek Rychly
Senior Labour Administration/Inspection Specialist, International Labour Organisation

Ludek has extensive practical experience in the fields of public administration, social affairs, industrial relations and business management and is author of numerous publications and policy papers. He also has extensive experience in cooperation with international institutions, such as United Nations (for example UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration), Council of Europe and OECD. He was the head negotiator for the social chapter during the process of the Czech accession to the EU and later he assumed membership in the EU High-level Working Party on Employment and Labour Policies. He was also a member of the ILO Governing Body. He has lectured at several universities in different world regions and works regularly for example with ILO Training Centre in Turin, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management in Washington or Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs in Prague.
As an international public servant and senior specialist of the International Labour Organization he advised many governments all over the world on the administration of labour and social matters. His previous professional experience includes serving as the Deputy-Minister for the Ministry of labour and Social Affairs in Prague. Other employment includes management jobs in the private sector.