Dr Moein Shamoushaki
Management School
Research Associate in Life Cycle and Supply Chain Analyses
Full contact details
Management School
Western Bank Villa
300-302 Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
Moein is a Research Associate at the South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre (SYSC). He is working on life cycle assessment and supply chain innovation of energy systems. The main goal of this project is to reduce carbon emissions and environmental impacts across the South Yorkshire region. Moein obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Florence, Italy in 2022. His research during his Ph.D. study focused on energy, exergy, exergo-economic, and exergo-environmental assessments of geothermal power plants by considering several case studies across Europe. This project was funded by GECO and GEOENVI, which belonged to the Horizon 2020 program.
- Qualifications
- PhD - University of Florence
- MSc Mechanical Engineering - Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
- BSc Mechanical Engineering - Iran University of Science and Technology
- Research interests
- Renewable Energy
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Thermodynamic
- Supply Chain
- Carbon Capture
- Exergy and Exergo-Economic
- Publications
Journal articles
- . Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 212, 115365-115365.
- . Energy, 133124-133124.
- . Science of The Total Environment, 946.
- . Energy Science & Engineering, 10(10), 3819-3838.
- . Water Resources and Industry, 27, 100175-100175.
- . Energy, 244, 122678-122678.
- . Desalination, 526, 115550-115550.
- . International Journal of Environmental Studies, 78(6), 1022-1036.
- . Thermal Science, 22(6 Part A), 2641-2651.
- . Energy, 134, 515-531.
- . International Journal of Exergy, 22(3), 279-279.
- . Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1).
- . Scientific Reports, 13(1).
- . Entropy, 23(11), 1483-1483.
- . Sustainability, 13(20), 11133-11133.
- . Energies, 14(15), 4464-4464.
- . Energies, 14(9), 2665-2665.
- . Journal of Thermal Engineering, 180-200.
- Research group
- South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre (SYSC)