Tommaso Calzolari

Management School

Research Associate

Doctoral Researcher

Tommaso Calzolari wearing a light blue shirt.
Profile picture of Tommaso Calzolari wearing a light blue shirt.

Full contact details

Tommaso Calzolari
Management School

After completing his studies in Engineering and Management, Tommaso has worked as an Industrial Engineer around logistics in the automotive industry, dealing with lean manufacturing and digitalisation programs.

Tommaso’s research investigates why and how companies adopt Circular Economy-inspired practices in their supply chains. He is focusing on institutional factors that drive companies’ practices and strategies (such as legislation, norms and peer pressures) as well as on the supply chain mechanisms that might make that adoption easier. Another area of research has to do with Circular Economy indicators for supply chains and how to measure the progress towards the Circular Economy.

Tommaso's research is part of ReTraCE, a project funded by Horizon 2020 EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks that will support EU Circular Economy Strategy.

Research interests
  • Circular economy in supply chains
  • Supply chain integration
  • Environmental and social sustainability in supply chains, production and consumption systems

Journal articles

  • Calzolari T, Bimpizas-Pinis M, Genovese A & Brint A (2023) . Journal of Cleaner Production, 432, 139686-139686. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bimpizas-Pinis M, Calzolari T & Genovese A (2022) . International Journal of Production Economics, 108666-108666. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Calzolari T, Genovese A & Brint A (2022) . Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 13. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Calzolari T, Genovese A & Brint A (2021) . Journal of Cleaner Production, 312. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Calzolari T, Genovese A, Brint A & Seuring S () . International Journal of Operations & Production Management. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Mahmoum Gonbadi A, Genovese A & Calzolari T Circular Economy practices adoption in the White Goods Industry in Europe:Review of the State-of-the-practice. Dublin, Ireland. RIS download Bibtex download

Marie-Curie Scholarship, European Union's Horizon 2020