Field trips make me feel more connected to society as I am able to see how my studies are applied in the real-world

Image of Chloe Low
Chloe Low
MSc Student
Creative and Cultural Industries Management MSc
Chloe, Creative and Cultural Industries Management MSc student, wanted to add a creative twist to her interest in business or management studies.
Image of Chloe Low

As soon as I heard that the overall University of ºù«Ӱҵ was a Russell Group university and that the ºù«Ӱҵ University Management School (SUMS) was a Triple Crown-accredited institution, I was sold.

Choosing ºù«Ӱҵ University Management School

Chloe Low

 Why did you choose your particular course at ºù«Ӱҵ?

Although I graduated with a Psychology degree, I always knew that I wanted to pursue my interest in business or management studies. However, I also wanted to add a creative twist to it. As a result, I decided to put the words "creative" and "management studies" together to see what postgraduate courses were available across the UK. Among all of the courses presented, the MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management looked the most striking, as it had exactly the words I was looking for in its title alone. As I continued my research, I became super interested in the unique subjects the course provided, especially the subjects that taught music and entrepreneurship. From that point on, I took my eagerness to learn as a sign, hence why I decided to take on this postgraduate course today.

What was it about ºù«Ӱҵ University Management School?

SUMS offers an opportunity to apply for the Dean’s List during your postgraduate term where you can receive a personal reference from the Dean if you manage to earn a place on the list. Knowing such information only made me feel much more strongly about wanting to become an official student at the university.

Before studying a masters

As aforementioned, I completed a three-year undergraduate degree studying BSc Psychology at the University of Essex. Prior to that, I was back at my home country, Malaysia, completing my A-Levels.

Deciding to pursue a masters degree

I chose to pursue a masters degree for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted a completely new experience. This meant honing new skills, meeting new friends in a different city, and most importantly, learning a new subject completely foreign to me, ultimately boosting my knowledge to greater heights. Secondly, I wanted to make my parents proud. This is because I would be the second person ever, in my entire family tree, to have achieved a masters degree.

Any concerns prior to starting your studies?

My biggest concern was tackling a variety of new subjects during my course. My best tips to overcome this type of anxiety is to read the Student Handbook and all of your module handbooks before your classes start. Then, when classes do start, please do not hesitate to email your lecturers or use the Blackboard ‘Discussion’ section to ask any necessary questions, especially questions about your assignments. It is good to remember that only your lecturers can give you the right answer, not your peers.

To date, I have not actively sought additional support for my studies from the Management School or the University. This is because I find communicating with my lecturers, personal tutor, or programme director to have been the most effective and efficient way to resolve all my issues. However, it is important to note that you can be aware of any type of support you might need from the SUMS newsletters or the SU newsletters that come through to your university email, hence I highly suggest that you read them.

Course highlight

In the MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management course, my cohort get to go on a lot of field trips, and every single one of those field trips have been exciting and memorable. These experiences make me feel more connected to society as I am able to see how my studies are applied in the real-world and how said applications create powerful impacts to the local people. Therefore, I believe that the field trips are not only the highlights of my course so far, but also an important way of learning.

Favourite thing about ºù«Ӱҵ?

The bustling city of ºù«Ӱҵ. Some shops are still open after 6PM and there is a variety of entertainment to choose from that ranges from movie theatres to crazy golf. There is also an abundance of great, aesthetic cafes. So, if you’re a coffee and picture-taking lover like me, ºù«Ӱҵ is the right place for you.

Adjusting to masters level study after an undergraduate degree

The overall experience of me adjusting academically from undergraduate to masters level study earns itself a 7.5/10 score. Other than adjusting to the faster learning pace (which only required more time management towards my studies on my part), I also had to adjust the way I reference my work. As a prior Psychology student I only used APA, but for this course I have to use Harvard referencing. After figuring that out over my first assignment, I did not undergo any other major adjustments.

What skills have you developed during your degree?

As I have only completed the first term of my course, I would say that my knowledge and research skills have improved the most. This is because the first term includes a wide range of subjects inclusive of accounting, marketing, management and so on. From these subjects, I am required to read more up-to-date news in order to make my assignments more relevant to the current world we live in. Hence, I am now more knowledgeable on topics such as the economy, the climate crisis, and so on.

Plans after graduating

Currently, I am looking to be an event coordinator working in the UK. In the future, I hope to be an artists and repertoire (A&R) manager of a record label or music publishing company that is responsible for talent scouting in either the UK or in Korea.

How do you think studying this masters will help in your career?

According to my research on A&R managers via LinkedIn, many had done a degree either in management or in the creative industries. That is why I believe that studying this specific masters degree will serve me greatly when applying for my dream job.

Aside from this niche career path, studying the MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management course will bring many advantages. After finishing this course, my masters degree can help me find work in theatres, museums, record labels, galleries, or any other creative industry out there. As I also took the chance to learn management, entrepreneurship, and accounting, I also feel confident to apply for human resources, business development, assistant jobs, and so on. Nevertheless, I strongly believe that one of the strengths of attaining this master's degree is its adaptability, hence it functions as a safety net that allows me to choose the career path that I want to take.

Any advice for students who are considering your course?

Do not be afraid and take this opportunity to learn about the different types of creative and cultural works our society has to offer. Be ready to face analytical and critical thinking challenges, as well as refine your organisational and time-management skills. All in all, if you are passionate in wanting to become a creative individual, yet at the same time, you want to make sure that you are learning the right skills to hone your creative talents? The MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management course is the choice for you.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

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