Some of our undergraduate programmes are accredited and approved by professional associations, each with exemptions towards particular qualifications.

These are the exemptions available to students for the 2024/25 academic year. Please note that, as the content of our courses is reviewed annually to make sure it's up-to-date and relevant, the exemptions available for 2025/26 are subject to change.
Accounting and Financial Management (including relevant duals)
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Our BA Accounting and Financial Management programme (and duals) are mapped with the ACCA modules at the Applied Skills and Applied Knowledge level.
Accreditation of your programme ensures that as a student registering with ACCA, you will receive a level of exemption that matches the knowledge and skills gained from your previous qualifications.
Management modules Exemptions On completion of programme BT: Business and Technology* On completion of programme MA: Management Accounting On completion of programme FA: Financial Accounting On completion of programme (except dual programmes) LW: Corporate and Business Law MGT322: Taxation in Theory and Practice TX: Taxation MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT 225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
FR: Financial Reporting MGT230: Introduction to Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing PLUS
MGT250: Financial Management
FM: Financial Management
(2024 graduates onwards)
You would also be entitled to the following FIA (Foundations in Accountancy) exemptions:
Management modules Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) On completion of programme FA1 Recording Financial Transactions
MA1 Management Information
FA2 Maintaining Financial Records
MA2 Managing Costs and Finance
FBT Business and Technology
FMA Management Accounting
FFA Financial Accounting
There are no subject level exemptions for this qualification. * From 23 September 2020, Accountant in Business (AB) has been renamed to Business and Technology (BT). Business and Technology will teach students how businesses operate effectively, efficiently and ethically and will show the critical role finance professionals play in achieving this.
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Exemptions count towards the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting and the Chartered Global Management Accountant® (CGMA®) Professional Qualification.
Management modules Exemptions On completion of programme BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics
BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting
BA3 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
BA4 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law
F1 Financial Reporting
E1 Managing Finance in a Digital World
P1 Management Accounts
Operational Case Study Exam
- Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)
Please note: the below is only applicable to our single honours BA Accounting and Financial Management programme.
There are four qualifications that lead to the CIPFA Professional Accountancy Qualification (PAQ) and the Chartered Public Finance Accountant (CPFA) designation: a certificate and three diplomas.
Management modules Exemptions MGT304: Auditing Audit and Assurance MGT143: Foundations in Financial Management
MGT250: Financial Management
Business Planning and Financial Management MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
MGT355: Advances in Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting MGT102: Introduction to Management Accounting
MGT211: Intermediate Management Accounting
MGT217: Budgeting and Control
Management Accounting MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT143: Foundations in Financial Management
MGT225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
MGT250: Financial Management
MGT355: Advances in Financial Accounting
Business Reporting MGT217: Budgeting and Control
MGT227: Corporate Governance
MGT354: Advances in Management Accounting
Governance and Risk Management LAW201: Law for Management
MGT322: Taxation in Theory and Practice
Tax and Law (UK) - Certified Practicing Accountants Australia (CPA Australia)
All required knowledge areas and practical experience must be completed before admission as a CPA Australia Associate Member.
Students who completed the required subjects in the table below can be eligible to become our associate member, and be exempted from all six . Associate members need to pass the six and fulfil 36 months of in order to become a full CPA Australia member.
Management modules Exemptions MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting TCA01: Accounting Systems and Processes MGT355: Advances in Financial Accounting
MGT225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
MGT302: Accounting and Accountability: Theory and Practice
TCA02: Financial Accounting and Reporting MGT304: Auditing TCA03: Audit and Assurance* LAW201: Law for Management TCA04: Business Law* MGT11002: Business Economics in Contemporary Society TCA05: Economics MGT143: Foundations in Financial Management
MGT250: Financial Management
MGT3009: Company Analysis and Valuation
TCA06: Finance and Financial Management MGT102: Introduction to Management Accounting
MGT211: Intermediate Management Accounting
MGT354: Advances in Management Accounting
TCA07: Management Accounting MGT137: Analysis for Decision Making A OR MGT138: Analysis for Decision Making B TCA08: Qualitative Methods MGT322: Taxation in Theory and Practice TCA9: Taxation MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT218: Business Intelligence
TCA10: Information and communication technology MGT143: Foundations in Financial Management
MGT227: Corporate Governance
MGT354: Advances in Management Accounting
TCA11: Business Acumen MGT354: Advances in Management Accounting
MGT355: Advances in Financial Accounting
PCA01: Intellectual skills MGT120: Introduction to Behaviour at Work
MGT11001: Futures First: Professional Self-Management
PCA02: Interpersonal and communication skills MGT11001: Futures First: Professional Self-Management
MGT227: Corporate Governance
PCA03: Personal skills MGT302: Accounting and Accountability: Theory and Practice
MGT322 Taxation in Theory and Practice
MGT304: Auditing
PCA04: Ethical principles, professional values and integrity * Students have the option to complete the required knowledge areas in Auditing and/or Taxation.
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
On completion of the modules listed below, as part of the BA Accounting and Financial Management single honours course, you will be awarded credit for prior learning (CPL) which covers the full certificate stage of the ACA qualification with the ICAEW.
ICAEW exemptions are also available to Accounting and Financial Management single and dual honours students for the Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Banking (CFAB) level. The minimum pass mark required for all modules is 50%.
Based on your Undergraduate degrees from ºù«Ӱҵ University, you might be eligible to apply for the following credit(s):
Management modules Exemptions* MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
Accounting MGT231: Business Strategy Business Strategy and Technology* MGT225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
MGT250: Financial Management PLUS
MGT11002: Business Economics in a Contemporary Society
Business Technology and Finance LAW201: Law for Management Law MGT102: Introduction to Management Accounting
MGT211: Intermediate Management Accounting
Management Information MGT304: Auditing Assurance MGT322: Taxation in Theory and Practice Principles of Taxation * Upper Second- or First-class degree award or 50% is required in all of the modules listed
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
Management modules Exemptions MGT132: Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT225: Intermediate Financial Accounting
MGT355: Advances in Management Accounting
MGT304: Auditing (Optional) OR MGT357: Corporate Social Responsibility (Optional)
Reporting and Performance (RP1) MGT143: Foundations in Financial Management
MGT11002: Business Economics in Contemporary Society OR ECN130: Economic Analysis and Policy
MGT250: Financial Management
Business Management and Finance (BMF) MGT322: Taxation in Theory and Practice Taxation (TAX) MGT304: Auditing (Optional) Assurance (ASR) Note: for 2022/23 the assessment for MGT11002: Business Economics in a Contemporary Society is an Individual assessment 100%, but for 2024/25 it will be an Exam 100% (this has been approved at the committee level (November 2023).
Business Management
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Management modules Exemptions On completion of programme BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics
BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting
BA3 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
BA4 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law- Chartered Insitute of Marketing (CIM)
Qualifications Exemptions CIM modules to study CIM Foundation Certificate in Professional & Digital Marketing
(Level 3)Marketing Essentials (12 credits) Content and Channels
(12 credits)
Marketing Insights (12 credits).CIM Certificate in Professional & Digital Marketing
(Level 4)Marketing Impact
(20 credits)
Planning Integrated Campaigns
(10 credits)Additional 20 credits from selected electives Students must take the following modules:
- MGT233 - Essentials of Marketing
MGT3006 - Digital Marketing
MGT3008 - Socially-responsible Marketing and Consumption
MGT382 - International Marketing
- MGT233 - Essentials of Marketing

International undergraduate scholarships
We offer a generous package of financial support for international undergraduate students, including scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee (worth up to £40,000 for four-year programmes).
Applications are open for existing offer holders for an undergraduate degree programme starting in autumn 2025.