Prestigious international award for solar physics researcher

A researcher in the School of Mathematics and Statistics has been awarded the prestigious International Alexander Chizhevsky Medal for his work on space weather and space climate.

Dr Jiajia Liu receiving the Alexander Chizhevsky Medal

Dr Jiajia Liu from the Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC) received the accolade at the European Space Weather Week in Liège, Belgium. The Alexander Chizhevsky Medal celebrates young and talented researchers.

Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen, Head of SP2RC said: "Dr Liu received this medal in recognition of several accomplishments. He carried out research in a number of areas of solar and space physics, mostly supported by the Science and Technology Research Council.

"At very high standards, he combines complex physics behind various phenomena, like solar jets, MHD waves and coronal mass ejections, with the latest advanced mathematical and computer science techniques, including machine learning and AI for forecasting space weather."

Dr Liu, who joined School of Mathematics and Statistics in 2017, has also recently become a member of the UK Solar Physics Council, a professional branch in the Royal Astronomical Society.

Professor Tom Bridgeland FRS, Director of Research of in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, said: "It is wonderful to see Dr Liu’s cutting-edge research attracting the international recognition it deserves. He is clearly destined for an outstanding career in solar and space physics."

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