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It is designed to develop in students an up-to-date understanding of current academic thinking in the field and in the discipline of Management. As such, it provides a forum for analysing and communicating the latest thinking in both professional practice and in the academic arena. Students develop their skills in the analysis of business situations and the development of solutions to problems, based on this understanding. It therefore provides an excellent foundation for the students further career development to higher levels of management. Taking the «Ӱҵ MBA is a stimulating and challenging experience. The programme is concerned with management from an operational and strategic perspective and covers all the core functions of business organisations. The «Ӱҵ MBA takes an interdisciplinary perspective on the nature of leading organisations, creating new ventures and serving as a consultant. Students have some options so they can explore subjects of particular interest in greater depth and breadth or can extend their knowledge and skills to new areas associated with Management. The Individual MBA Challenge allows the student to undertake a significant investigation in a particular organisation or across a group of organisations in a particular sector. The «Ӱҵ MBA is therefore an excellent basis for junior and middle managers to develop their abilities to take them on to higher levels, both in career terms, and intellectually. It equally allows those who have come from a specialist function to take a broader and deeper view of organisations, thus allowing them to carry on in their functions with a more effective role for the organisation as a whole or to move into more general management. The «Ӱҵ MBA students are a truly international group, with students typically from more than 10 countries taking part. Their experiences and cultures are different, and the programme gives students an excellent opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the international business community in which they will work in the future. Programme aims Our students will be highly employable professional graduates. Our students will have contextually relevant critical thinking skills. Our students will be socially responsible professionals in Business Administration. Our graduates have advanced knowledge in Business Administration and the ability to apply this knowledge in an effective manner.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: students willK1Attain advanced knowledge of theory and concepts in Business Administration.K2Create solutions using theories and concepts in Business Administration. Skills and other attributes: students will be able to:S1Demonstrate high levels of professional skills for their managerial (or equivalent) career.S2Plan lifelong learning for their continuing self-development.S3Critically analyse complex management practices.S4Critically synthesise relevant theoretical concepts.S5Integrate social responsibility concepts into management practices.PG Certificate students will be able to demonstrate attainment of 6 of K1 to K11 above, and to a limited extent S1 to S5. PG Diploma students will normally be able to demonstrate attainment of the all above except S6. 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: The programme begins with a one-week induction period: students develop a variety of skills relevant to business and to their success in the programme. Topics include group work, presentations, the identification of personal learning styles, case study analysis methods, personal development planning, and writing skills. Most modules are taught over 11 weeks with a three-hour teaching session each week. The sessions will include lectures, business case analyses, problem analyses, student presentations, and talks by visiting speakers from industry. During the sessions there will often be break out sessions where students discuss a topic or undertake role playing in small groups and feedback the ideas they have developed to the whole class. Students then undertake an individual project under the general guidance of a supervisor. This module also includes lectures with the relevant research methodologies for executing projects in a business context. Modules are supported by web sites and detailed handouts covering the basic lecture material. Group work away from tutorials allows students to develop their skills and understanding by debate and collaborative working, learning from the experience and background of others in the group. Tutor and self-directed private study and preparation for tutorials and assessment are a significant component of each students development. Staff supported computer activities enable all students to reach a good level of IT skills. One to one tutorials are used to guide students through their project or mini projects. For the Marketing Consultancy Challenge, learning includes supervised consultancy in a local organisation where groups use the skills and knowledge gained from the module. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the programme learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Formal examinations and coursework assignments, including group client presentations, other group work and peer assessment, business plan development, reflective analyses, case analyses and IT based work, are used to test K1 to K13 and skills S1 and S5. An individual project report and dissertation will be used to assess S6. A portfolio of evidence is also used to demonstrate that students have obtained competence in S3 and K5. The overall balance is roughly three fourths coursework and one fourth examinations.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The accreditation requirements of the Association of MBAs. Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision"/vision20. Programme structure and regulations The MBA is a generalist degree and students have to cover all the major functions and activities of businesses. Consequently, the core of the programme counts for 115 credits. There are then two elective options for a total of 20 credits. Finally, students take a 45 credit individual project. The Career Accelerator Programme runs throughout the Autumn and Spring semesters of the MBA programme and is designed to complement the other academic modules taught by focusing on professional development activities and supporting students in achieving their career aspirations.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/21. Progression through the programme structure The first semester, in which all elements are core, is designed to introduce students to the functions of organisations, some of the supporting activities, and a range of concepts that will allow them to analyse business situations and will provide underpinnings for later study. Students develop a range of generic skills relevant to an MBA graduate, and also engage with a practical consultancy project. In the second semester, students study further modules, some core and some approved, building on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in the first semester, and increasingly dealing with cross functional and strategic matters. Further, students will undertake the development of a business plan for a new venture and the internationalisation of a business organisation. Starting in the Spring, but with increased emphasis during the summer period, students undertake a major individual project, either within an organisation, or about a management issue. This project will have an empirical element to it and will use the ideas from the consultancy module and draw on other modules as is appropriate for the project. The Career Accelerator Programme runs throughout the Autumn and Spring semesters of the MBA programme and is designed to complement the other academic modules taught by focusing on professional development activities and supporting students in achieving their career aspirations. 22. Criteria for admission to the programme Students must have a good degree from a British university or an overseas qualification of equivalent standard. They must have a minimum of three years of post-graduation work experience in a responsible role. A high standard of English is required, typically IELTS 6.5, with no component below 6. The specific entry requirements may be reviewed from time to time based on overall University and School policy and current requirements. Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at «Ӱҵ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \hwww.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     mgtt01 ver24-25 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study awarded by «Ӱҵ ,-./0>?EFGHIRSWXYZ[ijvwxyz      ȸh %hnh B*OJPJQJ^Jph%hnhxB*OJPJQJ^Jphhnh OJPJQJ^Jhnhx5OJPJQJ^Jh CJOJPJQJ^JaJ3jhnhn5OJPJQJU^JmHnHujhUmHnHu2-= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnr<]r-.0?cSF (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnkd\$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn?FG&kdt]$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdnGISX= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnXY[jcSF (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnkd,^$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytnjwx*kd^$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn9$(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdnxz= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdncSF (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnkd_$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn ; 9r ($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn; 9r ($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn   . cSH ($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnkdT`$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn  - . < = > ? @ G H W X Y Z [ j k | } ~       A B P Q R T U p q  ѾѾѾѾѾѾѾѾhOJPJQJ^Jh %hnh B*OJPJQJ^Jph%hnhxB*OJPJQJ^Jphhnh OJPJQJ^JhnhxOJPJQJ^Jhnhx5OJPJQJ^J:. = > &kd a$$IflF(>(e0f)    44 lapytn= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn> @ H X = 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnX Y [ k cSF (($Ifgdn$(($Ifa$gdnkda$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytnk } ~ &kd|b$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn~ = 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn cVV (($Ifgdnkd4c$$IflXF(>(e0f)    44 lapytn &kdc$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn  = 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn   B cVV (($Ifgdnkdd$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytnB Q R &kd\e$$IflXF(>(e0f)    44 lapytn= 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdnR U q = 9r (($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdn (($Ifgdn [cZLLL<$xx$Ifa$gdn$x$Ifa$gdn & Fxxkdf$$Ifl3F(>(e0f)    44 lapytn JY    =AZ[  GH =>hijlm׹׹׹ȵȵȵhnhx5OJPJQJ^Jhxh hnhOJPJQJ^Jhnh OJPJQJ^JhnhxOJPJQJ^Jh OJPJQJ^Jhx5OJPJQJ^J;Hrrr^$ & Fxx$Ifa$gd$ & Fx$Ifa$gd $ & Fxxa$$a$jkdf$$Ifl(l(D)0D)44 lap ytn>ijz2Hkdg$$Ifl4e(l(D)D)44 laf4p ytn$PP$Ifa$gdn$xxa$lkdJg$$Ifl|(l(D)0D)44 lap ytnjm]kd5h$$Ifl,0(l(&D)44 lapytn$(($Ifa$gdn$(($Ifa$gdn >?@ACD OPQƱ鱌u鱌֌eVeVhnh OJPJQJ^Jhnhx5OJPJQJ^J-hnh B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph%hnh B*OJPJQJ^Jph"h5B*OJPJQJ^Jph(hnhx5B*OJPJQJ^Jphh B*OJPJQJ^JphhnhxOJPJQJ^Jhxh $hnh CJOJPJQJ^JaJ! @k0:$PP$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRa$gdn7$$d%d&d'd(dNOPQR^`a$]kdh$$Ifl,0(l(&D)44 lapytn@AD:$(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRa$gdnEkdi$$Ifl'(l(D)D)44 lap ytngg:$(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRa$gdn]kdi$$Ifl)0(l(&D)44 lapytnP5]kdlj$$Ifl)0(l(&D)44 lapytn$(($Ifa$gdn]kdi$$Ifl)0(l(&D)44 lapytnPQT5]kdVk$$Ifl)0(l(&D)44 lapytn$(($Ifa$gdn]kdj$$Ifl)0(l(&D)44 lapytnQST rs # ABѾs`MM:MMM`%hnhB*OJPJQJ^Jph%hnhxB*OJPJQJ^Jph%hnh B*OJPJQJ^Jph(hnhx5B*OJPJQJ^Jph"hx5B*OJPJQJ^Jphh B*OJPJQJ^JphhxB*OJPJQJ^Jphh $hnh CJOJPJQJ^JaJhnhxOJPJQJ^Jhnh OJPJQJ^Jhnhx5OJPJQJ^JsB"r&bbbbbbbb8$x$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRa$gdn3$xx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQRa$1$x$d%d&d'd(dNOPQRa$ B   !",  qr %&ax X Y l q !!!!!! 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