Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe
An international network aimed at deepening knowledge on transnational family dynamics

Professor Majella Kilkey is part of a team funded by COST (European Co-operation in Science & Technology) to grow a network of scholars exploring transnational family dynamics in Europe. The COST Actions aims to deepen the knowledge of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families (TNF) by bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines and countries to address the need for transnational insights and to formulate policy and practice-oriented recommendations with an impact on international, national, sub-local and local practices. This Action will closely monitor current trends in migration, technology and politics, and engage in an intensive dialogue with policy and practitioners.
The Action is structured into 4 thematic working groups (WGs): WG 1: Kinkeeping within TNF in a global and digital era; WG 2: Integrating the perspective of vulnerable children and young people in social welfare and policy; WG 3: Social rights and social protection of transnational families; WG 4: Health and well-being of TNF. In addition, WG 5 will stimulate methodological progress and WG 6 will consolidate the recommendations of the other 5 working groups into clear and tangible recommendations for stakeholders and policy makers.
Now that it has been funded, a key aim of the Action is to grow the network of scholars involved, particularly by involving PhD students and Early Career Researchers. If you work on the topic of TNF, you can apply to join the network .