MINNOW study – Investigating the Mental health Implications of a mesothelioma diagNosis and developiNg resources to Optimise Wellbeing
In patient experience research, participants frequently report the impact that mesothelioma has on their mental health yet there have been very few studies specifically focused on mental health and mesothelioma.

We have published a final report of the MINNOW study, and also produced a about the results:
In March 2024, two papers exploring the mental health an wellbeing impacts, and interventions for patients and carers living with mesothelioma were published in the European Journal of Oncology Nursing:
The study aimed to generate understanding of the impact of mesothelioma on the mental health of patients, their families and close friends. Through systematic inquiry the study explored mental health conditions and existing psychological interventions that may help alleviate negative impacts and highlight positive impacts of mesothelioma.
This Mesothelioma UK funded study runs from March 2022 to November 2023.
It involved four stages:
Stage 1: Systematic review of the literature
Stage 2: Quantitative data collection and analysis
Stage 3: Qualitative interviews with patients and informal carers
Stage 4: Co-production workshops
Study outputs will include peer-reviewed publications, a final report and a leaflet to support the mental health of people living with mesothelioma, their families and their close friends. Throughout the project we will share our findings at academic conferences and Asbestos Support Group meetings.
For more information about this study contact us.