Utilities TSD series
A series of five TSDs have been prepared in the area of measuring and valuing health benefits for use in economic evaluation.
An introduction to the measurement and valuation of health for NICE submissions (PDF, 136KB)
The identification, review and synthesis of health state utility values from the literature (PDF, 304KB)
Related publication
D Papaioannou, J Brazier, S Paisley (2013) . Value in Health, 16 (4), pp. 686-695.
TSD 10 [updated and replaced by TSD22]
The use of mapping methods to estimate health state utility values (PDF, 144KB)
Related publication
L Longworth, D Rowen (2013) . Value in Health, 16(1), pp. 202-210.
TSD 11
Alternatives to EQ-5D for generating health state utility values (PDF, 157KB)
TSD 12
The use of health state utility values in decision models (PDF, 164KB)
EQ-5D matrix (Excel, 13KB)
Related publication
R Ara, A Wailoo (2012) . Value in Health, 15(6)
TSD 22
Mapping to estimate health state utilities
The intention behind the TSDs is not to be prescriptive, but rather to explain the requirements for measuring and valuing health set out in the , and to provide guidance on methods that meet these requirements.
TSD 8 provides an introduction to the NICE reference case, including the preference for using the EQ-5D, and an overview of what to do when EQ-5D is not available, what to do when EQ-5D is not appropriate and how to determine whether or not the EQ-5D is appropriate for any given condition and intervention outcome.
The remaining four TSDs provide further information on these issues arising from the reference case, including the use of literature reviews to obtain suitable health state utility values, the use of mapping when EQ-5D values are not available, the use of alternative measures when the EQ-5D is not appropriate and the special issues that arise from using health state utility values in decision models.
Instructions for citing these documents can be found on page 3 of each TSD.