ºù«Ӱҵ us
The Joint Centre for Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Optoelectronics is a collaboration between the University of ºù«Ӱҵ and Nanjing University. It brings together Chinese and UK expertise in service of designing novel semiconductor materials and device technologies.
Central to this research is the design of different crystal orientations for LEDs producing sunlight-quality bulbs that are farmed as much as manufactured.
The centre, which will specialise in wide-bandgap semiconductor optoelectronics, will also research
- next generation information storage
- ultra-high resolution displays
- next generation biomedical instruments
- environmental protection and more
The Nanjing University team has been provided with a state-of-the-art cleanroom with an area of 3,000m2 to support the joint centre. This will accommodate a large amount of advanced research equipment.
The collaborative research also enables bilateral staff and student exchange at all levels, with a varied program including summer schools.
This is why the joint centre is very important. If you combine both UK and Chinese students together, encourage them to work together, then we will have discussions, talk to each other, and perhaps work out a different way. It’s good for both sides.
Professor Tao Wang
Director of Centre, the University of ºù«Ӱҵ
This is a very international research area. We’re benefiting from blue sky research done in Japan 25 years ago. Their breakthroughs opened up this area that’s done all over the world.
We live in a global community now. Research is moving so quickly we communicate through letters rather than journals. The complementary expertise and skills of ºù«Ӱҵ and Nanjing means we can approach a problem from more directions than we possibly could if we were isolated.
Dr Rick Smith
Lecturer, the University of ºù«Ӱҵ
One of the targets for the joint research is to achieve a novel and ultra-high efficiency white solid-state lighting, which will replace the conventional lighting sources.
It will massively save energy, electricity consumption, and help lead to a very clean, sustainable and energy-consumption-efficient world in the next 10-50 years. It is definitely unique work in terms of our approach and ideas.
Professor Tao Wang
Director of Centre, the University of ºù«Ӱҵ