Course information
What to do if your child is absent, wants to change their course or withdraw from University, and information about tracking their progress.

Your child’s academic progress
We are not permitted to release information about the academic progress or attendance of our students to any third party, including parents/guardians. For more information visit our page about confidentiality.
If your child is struggling there is support available.
If your child cannot attend their classes they must inform their department by completing a Self-Certification Form.
If they cannot attend an exam due to exceptional, short-term problems (e.g. bereavement or illness) they must complete an Extenuating Circumstances Form.
If your child is going to be absent for a longer period of time due to personal, medical or financial circumstances they may need to take a Leave of Absence.
Changing course or withdrawing
If your child wants to change to a different course or leave the University completely, they should speak to their current academic department in the first instance. They will then need to fill out a Change of Status form.
They may be eligible for a tuition fee refund. Further details can be found on the page below: