Publications and related projects
A comprehensive list of academic literature and events which relate to the Pipe Dreams project.
- Journals
Mounce, SR, Blokker, EJM, Husband, S, Furnass, WR, Schaap, PG, Boxall, JB, (2016)
Multivariate data mining for estimating the rate of discoloration material accumulation in drinking water distribution systems
Journal of HydroInformatics
Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 96-114 doi: 10.2166/hydro.2015.140Douterelo, I, Jackson, M, Solomon, C, Boxall, JB, (2015)
Microbial analysis of in situ biofilm formation in drinking water distribution systems: implications for monitoring and control of drinking water quality
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
10.1007/s00253-015-7155-3Mounce, SR, Gaffney, JW, Boult, S, Boxall, JB, (2015)
Automated data-driven approaches to evaluating and interpreting water quality time series data from water distribution systems
ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Vol 141 (11), pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000533Husband, S, Boxall, JB, (2015)
Predictive water quality modelling and resilience flow conditioning to manage discolouration risk in operational trunk mains
IWA Publishing Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA
Vol 12,. DOI:10.1080/1573062X.2015.1036082Mounce, SR, Mounce, RB, Boxall, JB, (2015)
Case-based reasoning to support decision making for managing drinking water quality events in distribution systems
Urban Water Journal
Vol 12,. DOI:10.1080/1573062X.2015.1036082Fish, KE, Collins, R, Green, NH, Sharpe, RL, Douterelo, I, Osborn, AM, Boxall, JB, (2015)
Characterisation of the physical composition and microbial community structure of biofilms within a model full-scale Drinking Water Distribution System
Plos 1.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115824Cook, DM, Husband, PS, Boxall, JB, (2015)
Operational management of trunk main discolouration risk
Urban Water Journal
DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2014.993994Douterelo, I, Boxall, JB, Deines, P, Sekar, R, Fish, K, Biggs, C, (2014)
Methodological approaches for studying the microbial ecology of drinking water distribution systems
Water Research
Vol. 65, pp. 134-156Machell, J, Boxall, JB, (2014)
Modelling and field work to investigate the relationship between age and quality of tap water
Water Resources Planning and Management ASCE
Vol 140 (9), pp 04014020:1-12Douterelo, I, Sharpe, RL, Boxall, JB, (2014)
Bacterial community dynamics during the early stages of biofilm formation in a chlorinated experimental drinking water distribution system: Implications for drinking water discolouration
Journal of Applied Microbiology
Vol 117(1), pp. 286-301Mounce, SR, Mounce, RB, Jackson, T, Austin, J, Boxall, JB, (2014)
Associative neural networks for pattern matching and novelty detection in water distribution system time series data
IWA Journal of HydroInformatics
Vol 16(3), pp. 617-632Douterelo, I, Husband, PS, Boxall, JB, (2014)
The bacteriological composition of biomass recovered by flushing an operational drinking water distribution system
Water Research
Vol. 54, pp. 100-114Furnass, WR, Collins, RP, Husband, PS, Sharpe, RL, Mounce, SR, Boxall, JB, (2014)
Modelling both the continual erosion and regeneration of discolouration material in drinking water distribution systems
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
Vol 14 (1), pp. 81-90Ellis, K, Ryan, B, Templeton, MR, Biggs, CA, (2013)
Bacteriological water quality compliance and root cause analysis: an industry case study
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
Vol 13 (4), pp 1034-1045Douterelo, I, Sharpe, RL, Boxall, JB, (2013)
Influence of hydraulic regimes on bacterial community structure and composition in an experimental drinking water distribution system
Water Research
Vol 47, pp 503-516Furnass, WR, Mounce, SR, Boxall, JB, (2013)
Linking distribution system water quality issues to possible causes via hydraulic pathways
Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software
Vol 40, pp 78-87Ramalingam, B, Sekar, R, Boxall, JB, Biggs, JB, (2013)
Aggregation and biofilm formation of bacteria isolated from domestic drinking water
IWA Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
Vol 13 (4), pp 1016-1023Machell, J, Boxall, JB, (2012)
Field Studies and Modeling Exploring Mean and Maximum Water Age Association to Water Quality in a Drinking Water Distribution Network.
Water Resources Planning and Management ASCE
Vol 138 (6), pp 624-638Mounce, SR, Machell, J, Boxall, JB, (2012)
Water quality event detection and customer complaint clustering analysis in distribution systems
IWA Journal of Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
Vol 12 (5), pp 580-587Sekar, R, Deines, P, Machell, J, Osborn, AM, Biggs, CA, Boxall, JB, (2012)
Bacterial water quality and network hydraulic characteristics: a field study of a small, looped water distribution system using culture-independent molecular methods
Journal of Applied Microbiology
Vol 112 (6), pp 1220-1234Ellis, K, Ryan, B, Templeton, MR, Biggs, CA, (2012)
Improving Bacteriological Water Quality Compliance of Drinking Water
In: D. Kay and C. Fricker (eds.) 'The Significance of Faecal Indicators in Water: A Global Perspective': Royal Society of Chemistry
Pages 27-33. ISBN 978-1-84973-169-0Cook, DM, Boxall, JB, (2011)
Discoloration Material Accumulation in Water Distribution Systems
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
2 (4), pp 113-122Deines, P, Sekar, R, Jensen, HS, Tait, SJ, Boxall, JB, Osborn, AM, Biggs, CA, (2010)
MUWS (Microbiology in Urban Water Systems) – An interdisciplinary approach to study microbial communities in urban water systems.
Drinking Water Engineering and Science
3 (2), pp 91-99, ISSN 1996-9457, DOI 10.5194/dwes-3-91-2010Deines, P, Sekar, R, Husband, PS, Boxall, JB, Osborn, AM, Biggs, CA, (2010)
A new coupon design for simultaneous analysis of in situ microbial biofilm formation and community structure in drinking water distribution systems.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
87 (2), pp 749-756, ISSN 0175-7598, DOI 10.1007/s00253-010-2510-xHusband, PS, Whitehead, J, Boxall, JB, (2010)
The Role of Trunk Mains in Discolouration.
Proc. of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Management
163 (8), pp 397-406, ISSN 1741-7589Husband, PS, Boxall, JB, (2010)
Field Studies of Discolouration in Water Distribution Systems: Model Verification and Practical Implications.
ASCE Journal Water Resources Planning and Management
136 (1), pp 86-94, ISSN 0733-9496Machell, J, Boxall, JB, Saul, AJ, Bramley, D, (2009)
Improved Representation of Water Age in Distribution Networks to Inform Water Quality.
Water Resources Planning and Management ASCE
135 (5), September, pp 382-391, ISSN 0733-9496, DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2009)135:5(382)Husband, PS, Boxall, JB, Saul, AJ, (2008)
Laboratory studies investigating the processes leading to discolouration in water distribution networks.
Water Research
42 (16), pp 4309-4318, ISSN 0043-1354, DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2008.07.026Eboigbodin, KE, Seth, A, Biggs, CA, (2008)
A review of biofilms in domestic plumbing.
Journal American Water Works Association
100 (10) -
Conference papers
Speight, V, Boxall, JB (2015)
Current Perspectives on Disinfectant Modelling
13th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry
2-4th September, LeicesterEllis, K, Mounce, SR, Ryan, B, Biggs, CA, Templeton, MR(2015)
Improving root cause analysis of bacteriological water quality failures at water treatment works
13th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry
2-4th September, LeicesterHusband, S, Douterelo, I, Fish, KE, Boxall, JB (2015)
Biofilms and Discolouration Material Accumulation Processes in Drinking Water Distribution Systems and Modelling the Hydraulic
IWA Specialist Conference Biofilms in Drinking Water systems from treatment to tap
23-26 August. Arosa, Switzerland.Fish, KE, Douterelo, I, Husband, S, Boxall, JB (2015)
The impact of hydraulic conditions upon drinking water distribution system biofilms
IWA Specialist Conference Biofilms in Drinking Water systems from treatment to tap
23-26 August. Arosa, Switzerland.Douterelo, I, Jackson, M, Solomon, C and Boxall, JB (2014)
How water characteristics and operational conditions can govern the microbial ecology of biofilms in drinking water networks.
Water Quality Technology Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,16-20 November, 2014.Mounce, SR, Sharpe, RL, Speight, V, Holden, B, Boxall, JB (2014)
Knowledge discovery from large disparate corporate databases using self-organising maps to help ensure supply of high quality potable water
Proceedings of 11th HydroInformatics conference
New York, USA, 16th-21st August, 2014.Mounce, SR, Mounce, RB, Boxall, JB (2014)
Case-based reasoning approach for managing water quality incidents in distribution systems
Proceedings of 11th HydroInformatics conference
New York, USA, 16th-21st August, 2014.Mounce, SR, Husband, PS, Furnass, WR, Boxall, JB (2014)
Multivariate data mining for estimating the rate of discolouration material accumulation in drinking water pipelines
Proceedings of 16th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference
Bari, Italy, 14-17th July, 2014.Furnass, WR, Douterelo, I, Collins, RP, Mounce, SR, Boxall, JB (2014)
Controlled, realistic-scale, experimental study of how the quantity and erodibility of discolouration material varies with shear strength
Proceedings of 16th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference
Bari, Italy, 14-17th July, 2014.Boxall, JB, Speight, V, Douterelo, I, Sharpe, RL, & Fish, K. (2013)
Impact of hydraulic events on organic and inorganic material in distribution systems
The Water Quality Technology Conference, AWWA. Long Beach, CaliforniaEllis, K, Mounce, SR, Ryan, B, Templeton, MR, Biggs, CA (2013)
Use of monitor data to predict bacteriological failures
Proceedings of CCWI 2013 conference
Perugia, Italy, 2nd-4th September, 2013.Smith, CJ, Sharpe, R, Douterelo, I, Boxall, JB (2013)
Potable water pipe-wall biofilm bacterial community response to conditioning shear stress and a hydraulic disturbance in a full-scale pipe loop facility
Proceedings of 5th International Conference Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering, IWA 2013
Perugia, Italy, 2nd-4th September, 2013.Mounce, SR (2013)
A comparative study of artificial neural network architectures for time series prediction of water distribution system flow data
Proceedings of MaLWaS Sympsium, AISB-IACA conference, University of Exeter,3rd-5th April, 2013.Furnass, WR, Collins, RP, Husband, PS, Sharpe, RL, Mounce, SR, Boxall, JB (2012)
Modelling both the continual erosion and regeneration of discolouration material in drinking water distribution systems
Proceedings of the IWA New Developments in IT and Water
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4-6 November.Fish, K, Collins, R, Sharpe, R, Osborn, AM and Boxall, JB (2012)
The Structure and Stability of Drinking Water Biofilms
Proceedings of the 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis
Adelaide, Australia, 24-27 SeptemberLeeder, A, Mounce, SR and Boxall, JB (2012)
Analysis of multi-parameter water quality data using event detection software on laboratory simulated events.
Proceedings of the 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis
Adelaide, Australia, 24-27 SeptemberRamalingam, B, Sekar, R, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2012)
Aggregation and biofilm formation of bacteria isolated from domestic drinking water.
Proceedings of the IWA World Water Congress
Busan, Korea, 16-21 SeptemberMounce, SR, Douterelo, I, Sharpe, RL and Boxall, JB (2012)
A bio-hydroinformatics application of self-organizing map neural networks for assessing microbial and physico-chemical water quality in distribution systems (PDF 197KB)
Proceedings of the 10th HydroInformatics conference
Hamburg, Germany, July. ISBN 978-3-941492-45-5.Mounce, SR, Jensen, HJ Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2012)
Data mining T-RFLP profiles from water system sampling using Self-Organising Maps.
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 9th Proceedings of International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (IEEE)
China, May 2012, Vol. 1, pp. 219-223.Sheikh, QI, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2012)
A review of potential culture independent biological detection methods for the water industry – challenges of moving beyond the research lab
2nd International Meeting on Faecal Indicators - Problem or Solution
2012Fish, KE, Sharpe, RL, Green, NH, Osborn, AM and Boxall, JB (2011)
Visualising and Quantifying the Matrix of Drinking Water Biofilms.
Proceedings of IWA Biofilm2011: Processes in Biofilms
Shanghai, China, 27-30 OctoberFurnass, W, Mounce, SR and Boxall, JB, (2011)
A data-driven methodology for determining the causes of discolouration in distribution networks.
Proceedings of CCWI 2011
Exeter, UK, September, pp. 645-650Sharpe, RL, Smith, CJ, Biggs, CA, Boxall, JB, (2010)
Pilot scale laboratory investigations into the impact of steady state conditioning hydraulics on potable water discolouration.
11th Annual International Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis
Arizona, USA, SeptemberHusband, PS, Williams, R, Boxall, JB, (2010)
Discolouration risk management for trunk mains.
11th Annual International Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis
Arizona, USA, SeptemberCollins, R, Besner, MC, Beck, S, Karney, B, Boxall, JB, (2010)
Intrusion modelling and the effect of groundwater conditions.
11th Annual International Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis
Arizona, USA, SeptemberBoxall, JB (2010)
Discolouration in water supply: The role of metals
COST Action 637 METEAU 4th International Conference on Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water. Kristianstad, Sweden, 13 October 2010 - 15 October, 2010.Deines, P, Sekar, R, Jensen, HS, Tait, SJ, Boxall, JB, Osborn, AM, Biggs, CA, (2009)
MUWS (Microbiology in Urban Water Systems) – An interdisciplinary approach to study microbial communities in urban water systems.
Integrating Water Systems
ºù«Ӱҵ, September, pp 397-403, ISBN 978-0-415-54851-9Collins, R, Boxall, JB, Beck, SBM, Saul, AJ, (2009)
Contaminant ingress into distribution systems.
3rd Biennial Conference of the UK Network on Potable Water Treatment & Supply
Buxton, UK, June -
Poster presentations
Douterelo, I, Husband, PS and Boxall, JB (2013)
Bacterial diversity of biofilms in UK drinking networks; implications for water quality
Eurobiofilm 2013 conference
Ghent, Belgium September 9-12Smith, CJ, Sharpe, RL, Douterelo, I, Boxall, JB (2013)
Potable water pipe-wall biofilm bacterial community response to conditioning shear stress and a hydraulic disturbance in a full-scale pipe loop facility (PowerPoint 3.46MB)
Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Conference 2013
Ann Arbor, Michigan, US.Ellis, K, Ryan, B, Templeton, MR and Biggs, CA (2013)
The Frequency and Causes of Bacteriological Non-Compliance in Drinking Water (PDF 948KB)
14th IWA UK Young Water Professionals Conference 2013
17-19 April 2013, Darlington, UKDouterelo, I, Sharpe, RL, Fish, KE and Boxall, JB (2012)
Pyrosequencing analysis of bacterial community structure in an experimental drinking water distribution system (PDF 1.82MB)
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology
19-24 August 2012, Copenhagen, DenmarkFish, KE, Douterelo, I, Osborn, AM and Boxall, JB (2012)
Characterising the physical structure and microbial community structure of drinking water biofilms (PDF 1.94MB)
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology
19-24 August 2012, Copenhagen, DenmarkDouterelo, I, Smith, C, Fish, K, Sharpe, R and Boxall, JB (2011)
Molecular analysis of bacterial biofilm communities in response to environmental perturbations within drinking water distribution systems (PDF 743KB)
IV International Conference on Environmental Industrial and Applied Microbiology
14-16 September 2011, Malaga, SpainSmith, CJ, Sharpe, RL and Boxall, JB (2011)
Biofilm bacterial community response to an experimental discolouration event in a pilot-scale water distribution system.
4th Congress of European Microbiologists FEMS 2011
Geneva, Switzerland, JuneFish, KE, Douterelo, I, Sharpe, RL and Boxall, JB (2011)
Biofilms in Drinking Water Distribution System (PDF 774KB)
Kroto Research Symposium
6 June 2011Ramalingam, B, Sekar, R, Deines, P, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2010)
Biological and biophysical properties of biofilm forming drinking water bacteria.
ASM Biofilms 4 International Conference
1-3 September 2010, Winchester, UKSmith, CJ, Sharpe, RL and Boxall, JB (2010)
Investigating bacterial community response during discolouration events in an experimental water distribution system (PDF 1.1MB)
13th International Symposium for Microbial Ecology
Seattle, USA, August 2010Ramalingam, B, Sekar, R, Deines, P, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2010)
Intergeneric Co aggregation of Drinking Water Bacterial Isolates
IChemE Biochemical Engineering Subject Group (BESG) Young Researchers Meeting
13-14 April 2010, Cambridge, UKJensen, HS, Sekar, R, Deines, P, Boxall, JB, Osborn, AM, Tait, S, Larrarte, F and Biggs, CA (2009)
Community profiling of bacteria in sewer biofilms.
IWA specialist conference on 'Processes in biofilms: Fundamentals to applications
13-16 September 2009, Davis, California, USADeines, P, Osborn, AM, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2009)
Microbiology in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
IChemE Biochemical Engineering Subject Group (BESG) Young Researchers Meeting
13 January 2009, ºù«Ӱҵ, UKDeines, P, Osborn, AM, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2008)
Microbiology of Urban Water Systems: an interdisciplinary approach
Marie Curie Workshop as part of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF)
Barcelona, SpainDeines, P, Osborn, AM, Boxall, JB and Biggs, CA (2008)
How clean is your drinking water?
Society for General Microbiology Annual Meeting
8-11 September 2008, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland - Other dissemination
Invited keynote speaker, Prof Joby Boxall (2014)
New developments in pipe discolouration analysis using network modelling
DNV-GL International Software Summit, London, November 2014Pipe Dreams Year 5 Final Event (2014)
Pipe Dreams
Companies represented included Affinity Water, DCC Welsh Water, Northumbrian Water, Scottish Water, Severn Trent Water, South East Water, Thames Water, United Utilities, Wessex Water, Yorkshire Water Services as well as the DWI and WRc. (70 attendees)
3 July 2014, University of ºù«ӰҵArticle, Prof Joby Boxall and Mr. Paul Raven (2014)
Pipe Dreams: Exploring the world of biofilms within pipe networks
Water and Wastewater Treatment magazine, pp. 33-34, November 2014Invited talk, Prof Joby Boxall (2014)
Pipe Dreams
Invited key note talk at the Water Treatment and Supply Network Conference, Cranfield UK,18th September.Invited talk, Dr Isabel Douterelo (2014)
Microorganisms in drinking water networks
19th September, Environmental Metagenomics Symposium, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO), Wageningen, The NetherlandsInvited talk, Dr Kat Fish (2014)
Analysis of Drinking Water Biofilm Physical Structure
9th June, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of ºù«ӰҵInvited talk, Dr Kat Fish (2014)
What happens within distribution pipelines and how does it affect drinking water quality?
9th April, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Pathogen Control Engineering (PaCE) Institute Seminar SeriesWebsite (2013)
The WaterR2B portal is an output of the NERC Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme WSKEP.Invited talk, Prof Joby Boxall (2013)
What is in the pipe line?
7th October, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow,Infrastructure & Environment Division Seminar SeriesInvited presentation, Dr Steve Mounce (2013)
Data driven approaches for obtaining network knowledge from online distribution system sensors
Sensing in Water 2013 conference, Nottingham, September 25-26thInvited keynote speaker, Prof Joby Boxall (2013)
What's in the pipeline?
CCWI 2013 conference, Perugia, Italy, 2nd-4th September.Pipe Dreams Year 4 Event (2013)
Pipe Dreams
Companies represented included Anglian Water, Northumbrian Water, Scottish Water, Severn Trent Water, Thames Water, United Utilities, Wessex Water, Yorkshire Water Services, UKWIR, Morrisons and WRc.
22nd July, University of ºù«ӰҵPresentation, Ms Kate Ellis (2013)
Towards zero bacteriological failures in distribution systems
STREAM conference, Newcastle University, UK, 10th July.Invited talk, Prof Joby Boxall (2013)
What is in the pipe line?
27th February, Scottish WaterInvited seminar, Dr Steve Mounce (2013)
Pipe Dreams and AI
7th February, Computer Science, University of ExeterInvited talk, Dr Isabel Douterelo (2012)
Pipe Dreams: Bacterial diversity in drinking water distribution systems
November, KWR, NetherlandsInvited 'master class', Prof Joby Boxall (2012)
What is in the pipe line?
22nd November, Yorkshire Water ServicesPipe Dreams Year 3 Event (2012)
Pipe Dreams
Companies represented included Anglian Water, Northumbrian Water, Severn Trent Water, United Utilities, Yorkshire Water Services, UKWIR, Morrisons and WRc.
30th August, University of ºù«ӰҵInvited Talk, Ms. Katherine Fish (2012)
Microbial ecology of drinking water systems (treatment and distribution)
25th 2012, Engineers Without Borders (EWB) GroupInvited speaker, Prof Joby Boxall (2012)
Pipe Dreams
U3A month series of talks, ºù«Ӱҵ, February 2012.Invited talk, Prof Joby Boxall (2011)
Pipe Dreams
November, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (including Canadian Water Companies)Invited seminar, Prof Joby Boxall (2011)
Pipe Dreams
November, Computer Science, University of ManchesterPipe Dreams Year 2 Event (2011)
Pipe Dreams
Companies represented included Anglian Water, Northumbrian Water, Severn Trent Water, Thames Water, United Utilities, Wessex Water and Yorkshire Water Services.
23rd August, University of ºù«ӰҵInvited Presentation, Dr Steve Mounce (2011)
Water Quality Data Analysis for Distribution Systems
6th July, Potable Water Treatment and Supply Network (WatNet) Meeting, University of BirminghamInvited Seminar, Prof Joby Boxall (2011)
Pipe Dreams
March, CICADA Seminar, University of ManchesterInvited Seminar, Prof Joby Boxall (2010)
Pipe Dreams
December, TU Delft/KWR, NetherlandsInvited Keynote Speaker, Prof Joby Boxall (2010)
Discolouration and the Role of Metals
October, International Water Association MetEau Conference, SwedenPipe Dreams Year 1 Event (2010)
Pipe Dreams
Companies represented included Severn Trent Water and Yorkshire Water Services.
18th August, University of ºù«ӰҵInvited Talk, Prof Joby Boxall (2010)
Pipe Dreams
January, Time Well Spent (Public Engagement)Bridging The Gaps Industry Event (2009)
Deriving Knowledge from Data for Water Distribution Systems
DWI and UK water companies represented.
30th JulyPotable Water Treatment and Supply Network (WatNet) Meeting (2009)
Microbiology in Distribution Systems
March, Invited speaker Thomas Egli from EQWAG, University of ºù«ӰҵInvited Presentation, Prof Joby Boxall (2008)
Pipe Dreams Award
December, Potable Water Treatment and Supply Network (WatNet) MeetingInvited Presentation, Prof Joby Boxall (2008)
Modelling Water Age
March, Potable Water Treatment and Supply Network (WatNet) Meeting