Dr Sara Ababneh
BSc, MScEcon, DPhil
Department of Politics and International Relations
Lecturer in International Relations

+44 114 222 0662
Full contact details
Department of Politics and International Relations
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU
- Profile
Dr Sara Ababneh joined the department of Politics and International Relations as a lecturer in International Relations in the Autumn of 2021. Prior to this she was Associate Professor at the University of Jordan’s Center for Strategic Studies, where she also headed the Political and Social Research Unit. She has coordinated, acted as main researcher/primary investigator and worked on multiple research projects including the Arab Barometer, Gender Barometer, International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES Jordan) and the Economic Violence against Women’s Study (JNCW and CSS) and worked with various study abroad programs in Jordan. Ababneh earned her DPhil in Politics and International Relations from St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford. She was selected as a Carnegie Centennial Fellow at Columbia University and served as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Tübingen. Dr. Ababneh has conducted research on Mandate Palestine, gender and Islamism, Muslim family laws, and labour movements. Her research interests include class, gender, resistance, struggles for liberation, social justice, and economic sovereignty.
- Qualifications
Education University of Oxford (St. Antony's College) D.Phil. in Politics and International Relations Thesis Title: "Islamic Political Parties as a Means to Women's Empowerment? The Case of Hamas and the Islamic Action Front" University of Wales, Aberystwyth MSc Econ in International Politics Concentration: International Relations and Postcolonial Theory Earlham College (Richmond, Indiana) BA in Political Science and Economics
- Publications
Journal articles
- Grants
Research Income, Grants and Funded Research Projects
2020-2021, Economic Violence Against Women, Center for Strategic Studies partnering with the Jordanian National Commission of Women (JNCW).
2020-2021. International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) Jordan, the Center for Strategic Studies partnering with IRCKHF, UNWomen and PROMONDO.
2018-2020. Gender Barometer, Center for Strategic Studies partnering with HIVOS and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands,
2013-2016 Arab Transformation Project, Center for Strategic Studies partnering with the University of Aberdeen.
2012-2014 Arab Barometer Third Wave CSS coordinator, the Center for Strategic Studies partnering with Princeton University, University of Michigan, Arab Reform Initiative.
- Teaching interests
I enjoy teaching Middle Eastern Politics, International Relations Theory, Feminist and Postcolonial Theory, Gender and the Middle East, Politics after the Arab Uprisings.
Select Teaching Experience.
"Jordanian Politics from Above and Below: Gender and Social Movements" (IHP Human Rights Study Abroad Program) SIT Study Abroad Program, Amman, Jordan.
"Contesting Voices: Class, NGO-ization, and Negotiating Foreign Interests" (Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Seminar on Women's Rights in Jordan), CIEE Study Abroad, Amman, Jordan.
Lecturer in "Gender and Politics in the Arab World," (Undergraduate Lecturer), CIEE Study Abroad, Amman, Jordan.
"Theories of International Relations," Masters in Diplomacy and Human Rights, School of International Studies and Political Science, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
"Jordan: Women and Gender in Light of the Arab Spring" (Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Seminar), CIEE Study Abroad, Amman, Jordan.
"Politics of the Middle East: Understanding the Middle East through a Post-Colonial Lens," Masters Course, Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
"Issues in Middle Eastern Politics," Pembroke College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
"Politics of the Middle East," taught at multiple Oxford colleges: Mansfield, St. Catherine's, St. Hilda's, Oriel, and St. Anne's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Teaching activities
- POL6004 Understanding Politics
- POL3031 The Making of the Modern Middle East (L3)
- POL238 Oppression and Resistance
- POL243 The Making of the Modern Middle East
- Professional activities and memberships
Impact and Public Engagement
Media Publications (Arabic, English, French and German)
2019."Gewalt Gegen Frauen in Jordanien." Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, 5 Dec 2019, Report and interview by Susanne Brunner.
2019. 'An Ai Thaqafat Eib yatakalamun, Durus min I'tisam muta'atili Ma'an [What Eib Culture are they talking about? Lessons from the Ma'an Unemployment March], 7iber, 14 March 2019,
2019. "The Most Radical Middle East Movement You've Never Heard Of," with Sara Ababneh (Podcast), Ty Joplin, https://www.albawaba.com/.../most-radical-middle-east...
2018. "Jordanie : soulevement contre le neoliberalisme," Alternative Sud, Etat des luttes, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord Volume 25-2018/4, Centre Tricontinetal et Editons Syllepse
2018. "Jordan's June 2018 Rising." Southern Social Movements Newswire, CETRI, https://www.cetri.be/Jordan-s-June-2018-Rising
2018. Al Haraka al Nisa'iya al Filastiniya wa Hamas: Muhawalat fahem Tamkeen al Mar'a kharej Itar Nasawi [The Palestinian Women's Movement and Hamas: Attempting to Understand Women's Empowerment outside a Feminist Framework], 7iber, 10 May 2018
2017. Durus A'n Tamkeen al Mar'a Nata'almha min U'mal al Muyawama [Lessons on Women's Empowerment from the Day-Wage Labor Movement], 7iber, 3 May 2017, https://www.7iber.com/politics-economics/lessons-on-women-empowerment-from-day-wage-labor-movement/?source=related-button
Steering Committees, Research Networks and Advisory Boards
2021-present. Advisory Board. Musawah. www.musawah.org
2020-present. Member of Research Ethics in the Middle East and North Africa, Research Network lead by Professor Lisa Anderson, Columbia University, https://www.mei.columbia.edu/remena-about
2020. Human Security Consultation Meetings, the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) and Jordan NGOs Forum (JONAF) coalition, "Possible Human Security scenarios of COVID-19crisis impacts on different groups of society."
2020. Selection Committee for Fellowship Program for Emerging Displaced Scholars, Columbia University Global Center, Amman.
2019-2021. UNWomen Civil Society Consultation Committee, UNWomen, Amman, Jordan. 2019-2020. Steering Committee "Belongings," British Academy and Council for British Research in the Levant, Amman, Jordan.
2019. Selection Committee for Fellowship Program for Emerging Displaced Scholars, Columbia University Global Center, Amman.
2018-2019. Expert Revision Panel, "National Social Protection and Poverty Reduction Strategy," Ministry of Social Development, Amman, Jordan.
2018-2019. "Stability and Inclusion" Workshop Steering Committee. Council for British Research in the Levant, Amman, Jordan.
- Supervision Expertise
- Post colonial politics
- Middle East politics especially in relation to resistance movements and gender
- Gender politics
- Islam and gender
- Resistance movements globally
- Indigenous politics