Dr Zeynep Kaya (she/her)
Department of Politics and International Relations
Lecturer in International Relations

+44 114 222 1669
Full contact details
Department of Politics and International Relations
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU
- Profile
Dr Zeynep Kaya joined the Department in May 2021, having previously worked at LSE. She holds a PhD in International Relations from the LSE. Her main research areas involve borderlands, territoriality, conflict, peace, political legitimacy and gender. She has recently published a monograph entitled Mapping Kurdistan: Territory, Self-Determination and Nationalism with Cambridge University Press.
Zeynep is co-editor of I.B. Tauris-Bloomsbury’s book series on Kurdish studies and co-convenor of Kurdish Studies Series with the LSE Middle East Centre. She is also an Academic Associate at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge.
- Research interests
My research adopts an international historical sociology approach to the study of territoriality, borderlands and political legitimacy in the Middle East. I examine how politics related to these concepts change over time in connection with the transformation of international norms in world history. I am particularly interested in understanding non-state political actors (either sub-national or transnational) through situating them within an international context. I specifically focus on the Kurds and other groups in the borderlands of the Ottoman Empire and contemporary states in ex-Ottoman territories.
A second theme of my research is about the interactions between international and non-state actors in relation to peace, conflict and development processes in the Middle East today. I examine contemporary peacebuilding and development policies on gender, minorities and displacement in Iraq and situate this examination within a long-term political and historical international context.
- Publications
Journal articles
Working papers
- Grants
- HEIF Knowledge Exchange & Impact Fund, £27K: UK's gender practice in aid and security (2022)
- NAFR1180137 British Academy, £5K, Post-conflict emergency rule as a tool of everyday government in Turkey (2020-2021)
- KEI Fund (LSE), £45K, Displacement and WPS in Iraq (2017-2019)
- 262164UCF GRRI Collaboration Grant, £24K: Victimhood, survival and societal transformation among the Yezidis in Iraq (2017-2019)
- GB-1-- 204428 DFID, £6million (named lead researcher): Conflict Research Programme (2017-2020) led by Mary Kaldor and Alex de Waal
- RLWK6-261840247 British Council Researcher Links, £32K: Displacement, social welfare and human security in Turkey: challenges and prospects (2018-2019)
- Emirates Foundation, £90K: Complexity of humanitarian response to internal displacement in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (2016-2018)
- Rockefeller Fund, £6K: Disaster and displacement: the resilience of women in Iraq and Nepal (2016-2017)
- Emirates Foundation, £90K: International actors and women’s rights in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (2013-2016)
- Teaching activities
Dr Zeynep Kaya currently teaches:
- POL126 World's Wicked Problems
- POL242 Tackling World's Wicked Problems
- POL6970 Debating International Relations
- Professional activities and memberships
- Co-Founder and Co-Editor of Kurdish Studies Book Series I.B. Tauris-Bloomsbury
- Co-Convenor of the Kurdish Studies Events Series, LSE Middle East Centre
- Specialist Adviser, UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee (2017-2018)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Authority
- PhD Supervision
I would be interested in supervising doctoral research projects looking at
- borders
- nationalism
- Kurdish politics
- non-state actors
- gender
- international politics of the Middle East