Dr Diana Lopez Lugo

School of Psychology

Research Assistant

Photo of Diana Lopez Lugo
Profile picture of Photo of Diana Lopez Lugo

Full contact details

Dr Diana Lopez Lugo
School of Psychology
Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS)
219 Portobello
S1 4DP

I am a Research Assistant working with Dr Alicia Forsberg on a project that investigates the development of memory and meta-cognition during childhood and adolescence.


- PhD in Psychology of Language
- MSc in Psychology of Language
- BSc in Psychology

Research interests

I am interested in developmental psychology, particularly in how children acquire and develop language and the cognitive processes that influence this. My PhD research investigated the development of syntactic representations and ambiguity resolution in children. More specifically, I examined how the choice of analysis in sentence comprehension is influenced by recent language experience, specifically through structural priming.

Research group

Cognitive and neural processes across the lifespan