PGR Voice Survey results and actions
Here’s what you told us in the 2023 PGR Voice survey and the actions we took forward. The next survey will be in Spring 2025

Thank you to everyone who completed the PGR Voice Survey, which ran between 2 May and 9 June 2023.
The survey closed with an overall response rate of 47% (1657 responses). We heard from PGRs at all stages of their programme across the University, giving us an in-depth and representative insight into the PGR experience.
What you told us
Overall the results are positive, with the majority of PGRs reporting that their experience has been good (44.6%), excellent (27.5%), or satisfactory (19.9%).
74% of respondents told us that the research culture in their department is positive or very positive, and 92.9% said that their doctoral programme had fully or partially matched the expectations they had when starting the programme.
73.6% of those still in their tuition fee paying period expect to submit during this timeframe.
The strongest results were in the Supervision section - 58.5% of students rated their supervision as excellent and 25.8% as good, with qualitative feedback in this area being particularly positive.
The key area identified for further improvement was Training and Development, which received less positive responses than other sections - most PGRs assessed the overall offer as good (46.7%) or satisfactory (26.7%). PGRs told us training can be difficult to navigate, with gaps in some areas. This was reflected in the closing section also, as the most popular response when we asked which area the University should focus on to most improve the PGR experience.
The biggest difference between the experiences of different groups of students was for PGRs with disabilities, who reported a less positive experience in several areas of the survey.
The has overseen work on priority areas identified from your feedback, with a number of projects now completed. Below you will find details, grouped by theme. The Committee is now planning the next Voice Survey which will take place during Spring 2025.
Disabled PGRs
- The Disability and Dyslexia Support Service (DDSS) has redeveloped the way that it works with PGRs, including the creation of a bespoke Learning Support Plan template, and improvements to the way they communicate the support that is available to international PGRs.
- A new webpage has been created on the PGR Hub outlining the support disabled students could receive to carry out their research, including how to set this up.
- The Disabled and Ill Researchers Network has been relaunched.Find out how to get involved .
- Access to has been improved by moving the booking process onto myDevelopment.
- The Wellcome Trust funding has been secured to promote an anti-ableist research culture at the University, which will encourage disclosure of poor practice and support better access for PGRs. Projects include identifying and removing the systemic barriers to recruiting disabled researchers and support staff, and making research events more accessible. .
- A cross-faculty project looked at levels of support available to disabled PGRs within departments and work has been carried out to plug any gaps. A review has also been carried out of the Disability Liaison Officer role to ensure there is equitable coverage across the institution, and a training has been delivered for them focusing on the PGR experience.
- A number of projects relating to the Disability Equality Strategy have been carried out, including a review of and guidance materials, and new guidance around leave of absence has been produced to reduce the administrative and emotional burden for disabled PGRs.
Training & development
- A working group has mapped existing training provision onto the 8 core competencies to make it easier for PGRs to plan out their development goals. The group has also identified areas where more provision is required and a plan will be developed to deliver this.
- myDevelopment has been introduced as a simpler ‘one-stop-shop’ for all PGR training, removing the previous need to book onto training across numerous platforms.
- Visibility and awareness of training and development opportunities has been improved with the creation of a DDP Training & Development hub, and the publication of a new detailing centrally offered provision over the academic year.
Desk / study space
- The availability of desk or study space was particularly reported as a concern by PGRs within the faculty of Arts & Humanities. This year the faculty opened their brand new Graduate School Centre, which was co-created with PGRs and offers bookable desks and social and meeting spaces. Many PGRs within the faculty of Social Sciences have also benefited from the opening of the Wave, greatly expanding available facilities.
- The PGR Code of Practice has been updated to establish minimum baseline space / facilities requirements for departments / schools and their PGR communities.
Community building
- A new mentoring programme has been established this year across all faculties. links up new and experienced PGRs and includes a series of social events across the year. The university also supports the app which helps PGRs to connect with each other.
- A PGR Wellbeing Strategy Group, which includes representatives from the PGR community, has formed to identify the wellbeing issues important to PGRs and to develop a deliverable strategy, which is due to be published in 2025.
- A Researcher Wellbeing Conference took place over 2 days in June. Themes examined included community and culture, policies and processes, and skills and support. The event is set to be repeated on 18/6/25.
- The Students’ Union has improved its engagement with the PGRs community with the creation of a new which provides contacts and information on PGR representation and advertises social activities. Several PGR events and forums will be taking place over the course of the academic year, dates for which will be posted on the postgrad instagram account (@sheffsu.postgrad). The SU Postgraduate Officer can also be contacted for more information (
- A Welcome and Induction Network has recently been created to improve the quality and consistency of induction activities across the university by sharing good practice.
- A university-wide poster competition took place that brought together PGRs of different disciplinary backgrounds. This is now being developed into a biennial ‘Festival of Careers’ that will incorporate alumni, international students, and focus on careers which offer cross-disciplinarity. The first festival is due to take place in 2026.
Challenges in supervisory relationships
- An event for School PGR Directors took place in October to review the different models of supervision across the University, share good practice and identify opportunities to improve supervisory practice.
- A review of the service is currently underway, the University PGR Committee has provided feedback about PGR specific concerns to inform this work. The service is being frequently promoted across PGR channels as a way to raise concerns, access support and consider next steps, along with information on other ways to address concerns via impartial departmental / school contacts.
- The mandatory continuing professional development requirements now includes new mandatory racial equity training for supervisors which must be completed by all experienced supervisors over the next two years. A system of sanctions has been introduced which will apply to those who do not engage with and complete the programme, ensuring all supervisors undertake regular training to develop their practice.
- New guidance has been developed for departments / schools managing changes to a PGR’s supervisory team, defining required timescales, things to consider, good practice and enhanced support departments are expected to provide.
How we communicate with you
- PGR-focussed central web pages have been reviewed and updated, with the creation of a new PGR Hub, and optimisation of the search engine to make key information easier to find.
- A new bespoke was launched in 2023 which will ensure PGRs are kept up to date with key information and events, and reduce the number of emails that PGRs receive.
- Pre-arrival emails sent to incoming students have been updated and improved to fully differentiate from Postgraduate Taught student communications.
- As part of the university , a full review of departmental PGR handbooks, Google sites and intranets will be carried out to ensure consistency across the university.
Project Planning and supporting the timely submission of your thesis
- Milestone planning has been reviewed and improved, with both the Confirmation Review and Submission Review updated to include risk mitigation and take account of PGRs who have Learning Support Plans.
- The mandatory training for supervisors in 23/24 included a topic on helping PGRs to create and manage their project plans.
Still have questions about PGR Voice, or the survey results?
You can email the PGR Voice Team on