Compulsory DDP modules

A list of Doctoral Development Programme modules that are compulsory for research students in different departments/ Schools across the University.


All research students will take a compulsory faculty research ethics module as part of the DDP, and some Schools need additional modules to be completed. You will be registered on any compulsory modules automatically. Your School will advise what you need to do to complete them. 

 Research ethics and integrity - all faculties 

Arts & Humanities

- Research Ethics & Integrity

From the 25/26 academic year, the module code will change to FCA609

Engineering - Professional Behaviour & Ethical Conduct
Health (was FCM6100) - Research Ethics & Integrity
Science(was FCP6101/02/03) - Research Ethics & Integrity
Social Science

(was FCS6100) - Research Ethics & Integrity

- Doctoral Project Scope, Design & Management (compulsory for all Social Science students commencing 23/24 onwards)

For more information, please read Research Ethics modules - guidance for all Faculties 

ESRC White Rose DTP - all Faculties 

ESRC White Rose DTP scholarship holders - all FacultiesFCS603 - Research in Practice, White Rose DTP

From 2024/25, FCS603 - Research in Practice, White Rose DTP is a compulsory module for all ESRC White Rose DTP-funded students, across all departments/ Schools. This only applies to ESRC WRDTP students who commence their studies in academic year 24/25 or later. Any students who were awarded their scholarship before this point are not required to complete the module.

Biosciences DLAs (ACCE+ DLA, Yorkshire Bioscience DLA, ECOSOLUTIONS DFA) - all Faculties 

ACCE+, Yorkshire Biosciences and ECOSULTIONS scholarship holders - all FacultiesBIS601 - Doctoral Training Placement

From 25/26, BIS601 - Doctoral Training Placement is a compulsory module for all students on the ACCE+, Yorkshire Bioscience and ECOSOLUTIONS programmes, across all Schools. 

School-specific modules

School of Architecture & Landscape

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

Architecture programmes:  (was ARC6731) – Doctoral Training in Architecture

Landscape Architecture programmes: (was LSC6000) – Doctoral Training in Landscape

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

ALA601 - Doctoral Training in Architecture and Landscape

School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering

Students registered on Materials Science & Engineering (MAT) and Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) programmes:

 (was MAT6535) – Transferable Skills 2

 (was MAT6530) – Transferable Skills

Please note, the School is no longer running MAT656 Literature Review (previously MAT6540) and there is no requirement for students to have completed this as part of their compulsory training. Only CBE students commencing 24/25 are required to complete MAT654 and MAT655, to reflect the merger to the School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering.

Students registered on School of Chemical, Materials & Biological Engineering (CMB) programmes from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

CMB607 - Transferable Skills 2

CMB608 - Transferable Skills for Engineers and Scientists

School of Clinical Dentistry

 (was DEN6970) – General Research Skills

(was DEN6960) – Literature Review

School of Economics (was ECN6100) – Doctoral Training in Economics
School of Education

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

Education programmes: (was EDU6156) – Doctoral Training in Education

ºù«Ӱҵ Methods Institute programmes: - Doctoral Training in Social Research (from 22/23 onwards)

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

EDC601 - Doctoral Training in Social and Educational Research

School of English

Students registered on English Literature programmes on or before the 24/25 academic year:

(was LIT6916) – Essential Research Training: Plagiarism, Copyright, Archival Research

For students registering in the School of English from the 25/26 academic year onwards, there will be no compulsory module requirement other than Faculty Research Ethics and Integrity. 

School of Geography and Planning

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

Geography programmes:  (was GEO6031) – Doctoral Training in Human Geography or  (was GEO6030) - Doctoral Training in Physical Geography (compulsory for 22/23, 23/24 and 24/25 cohorts )

Urban Studies & Planning programmes: (was TRP626) – Doctoral Training in Urban Studies and Planning

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

GPL601 - Doctoral Training in Geography and Planning

School of Information, Journalism and Communication

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

Journalism programmes:  (was JNL6900) – Doctoral Training in Journalism

Information School programmes:  (was INF6904) – Doctoral Training in Information Studies

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

IJC601 - Doctoral Training in Information, Journalism and Communication

School of Languages, Arts and Societies

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

East Asian Studies programmes only:  (was EAS6869) – Doctoral Training in East Asian Studies

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

East Asian Studies programmes only: LAS601 - Doctoral Training in East Asian Studies

School of Law

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

 (was LAW6171) – Doctoral Training in Criminology and Law

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

SLW601 - Research Training in Law and Criminology

Management School (was MGT6225) – Doctoral Training in Management
School of Sociological Studies, Politics and International Relations

Students registered on or before the 24/25 academic year:

Politics programmes:  (was POL6618) – Doctoral Training in Politics and International Relations

Sociological Studies programmes:  (was SCS6099) – Doctoral Training in Sociological Studies

Students registered from the 25/26 academic year onwards:

SPR601 - Doctoral Training in Sociological Studies, Politics and International Relations

Details of discontinued modules:

* Students registered on programmes in APS, BMS or MBB, who commenced their studies on or before the 20/21 academic year, are required to complete the relevant compulsory modules for their department. However students registered on APS, BMS or MBB programmes in the 21/22 and 22/23 academic years do not have to undertake these modules. This is because they are classed as students of the new School of Biosciences, and will be undertaking different DDP training provision within the new School. For reference, the modules are: APS6010, APS6020, APS6060, BMS6003, BMS6004, MBB6001/MBB6008, MBB6002, MBB6003. 

*** CHM603 and CHM604 have been discontinued with effect from August 2023 and there is no longer a compulsory module requirement within the School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. 

****COM606, COM608 and COM618 have been discontinued with effect from August 2023 and there is no longer a compulsory module requirement within the School of Computer Science.

MED639 and MED641 are discontinued from academic year 24/25 onwards. The last cohort in CDL, MDE, NEU & OCP required to take these compulsory modules was 23/24.