Last year Minna launched a dedicated module on Ethnography and Lived Religion, which examines religious diversity, focusing on female experiences in faith communities, LGBTQ faith and alternative, non-patriarchal religiosities. She also developed a feminist & queer studies research stream on Philosophy MA, and supervised reading modules and dissertations on feminist ethics, ecclesiastical documents, ethnographies on lesbian faith, and feminist spirituality. As a teaching expert, Minna also works on assessment diversity, and improving student experience through digital education and employability initiatives, although she remarks "nothing is quite as satisfying, as leading a learning journey where a student may experience feminist awakening, or receive a life-changing vision for inclusivity and diversity. The older I get the more I appreciate life-changing education we do in Arts and Humanities, like feminist critique of religion or LGBTQ studies.
Congratulations to Dr Minna Shkul (Philosophy) who was recognised in the 2022 Vice-Chancellor's awards for Learning and Teaching