Violent crime
We take violent crime and assault extremely seriously.
What to do if you’ve been assaulted
No matter how you’re feeling it is important to remember that no-one has the right to hurt or threaten you. Even if the incident does not result in any physical injuries, it can still be regarded as an assault. Regardless of physical injury, assault can have an emotional effect.
Often victims know the perpetrators of the assault, and incidents can happen anywhere.
Report all assaults to Security Control.
If you don’t feel safe in your accommodation or on academic campus please let us know.
It can be extremely frightening to be the victim of an assault. As well as being hurt or physically injured you may also feel emotional trauma. Support is available:
The Student Services Information Desk (SSiD) on Level 3 of the Students’ Union can offer you advice, and point you in the direction of further support within Student Services if you feel that you may need it.
You can also speak to staff in the .
You can also approach a Students’ Union Officer, or someone in the .