Migration, culture and community
The Migration, culture and community research cluster explores, develops and disseminates a range of research activities within the broad fields of language and identity across cultural and national borders.

The linguistic, cultural and disciplinary diversity of the members of the cluster, along with the particular range of specialisms covered by our research and teaching interests, enables us to develop a broad and productive base for research.
Within our cluster, we foster cultural and linguistic research across traditional borders. In a time and space increasingly characterised by multiple alliances, linguistically and culturally, globalisation and regionalisation compete for attention and space. We believe that this is the time to nurture an open-minded attitude and climate in our research. Our basis as a School of Languages put us in an excellent position to exchange ideas and dialogues across languages and cultures.
Research is currently undertaken in the following areas:
- Literature and migration
- Migration and community studies
- The language of the city
- Transnationalism in literature in the visual arts
- Multilingualism
- Life-writing
- Cultural production in post-imperial societies
- Extra-textual modes of representation
- Linguistic approaches to the representation and translation of identity in spoken and written language in film and in literature