Professor Ben Jackson
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Clinical Education and Primary Care
Director of Primary Care Teaching

+44 114 222 2082
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Sam Fox House
Northern General Hospital
Herries Road
S5 7AU
- Profile
For enquiries please contact -
Ben Jackson is a part-time academic GP.
He leads the UoS Academic Primary Care Education team working to better engage students with generalism and general practice as rewarding and challenging disciplines during their studies.
Academic interests include clinical supervision and learning in healthcare settings, health equity in primary care, technology enhanced learning and changes in the structure and skill-mix of general practice teams.
He is co-chair of the UK Heads of GP Teaching committee and co-editor of the Medical School Council Virtual Primary Care platform. He is a founding mamber and has been an active member of the Deep End GP Yorkshire and the Humber network.
- Research interests
- Medical Education
- Longitudinal Integrated Clinical Placements
- Health Inequities
- Primary Care workforce development
- 2015 - present: Establishment of Primary Care Workforce hub within the regional NHS integrated care system.
- Masters research, 2015 - 17: Facilitating and barrier factors to the introduction of Physician Associated into the primary care workforce.
- 2015 - present: Deep End Yorkshire and the Humber: founder member of the movement to help address health inequities where possible through Workforce, Education and training, Advocacy and Research
- 2018: Project team, NHS England Scoping Report into Advanced Clinical Practice in General Practice.
- 2021 - present: Principal investigator for FAIRSTEPS: Framework to Address Inequities in pRimary care using STakEholder PerspectiveS
- Publications
Journal articles
Working papers
- Grants
- 2015, NHS innovation/UoS £6000
- Stakeholder contribution to the UoS development of a Postgraduate Certificate in Physician Associate curriculum
- 2016, Educational project grant, two projects - £110,000
- Development of General Practitioner input into hospital Longitudinal Integrated Placements
- Development of undergraduate clinical placements in practices in deprived areas
- Teaching interests
Our mission at the medical school has been to work with students to present General Practice as the engaging and demanding discipline, and to help them to develop the holistic approach that underpins our practice in the community.
We seek to expand the contribution and influence of this generalist approach where we can within the curriculum, and explore where we can through robust evaluation of our interventions.
More recently we have extended this work beyond undergraduate medical students through the establishment of a master’s programme for Physician Associates based on these principles.
- Teaching activities
Leading the delivery and development of medical student community undergraduate placements outside NHS trusts.
- Professional activities and memberships
Clinical roles
- GP Principal, Conisbrough Group Practice (from 2002)
- GP Clinical and Educational Supervisor, Conisbrough Group Practice (from 2004)
Other professional roles
- RCGP Ambassador to South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw ICS
- Chair, South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Primary Care Workforce Group, HEYH
- Professional Coach, Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber