Dr Kevin Teh

School of Medicine and Population Health

Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroimaging

Kevin Teh
Kevin Teh
Profile picture of Kevin Teh
+44 114 215 9151

Full contact details

Dr Kevin Teh
School of Medicine and Population Health
18 Claremont Crescent
S10 2TA

Show: Featured publications All publications

Journal articles

  • Teh K, Wilkinson ID, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Pallai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2021) . Diabetologia. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Armitage P, Tesfaye S, Selvarajah D & Wilkinson ID (2020) . PLoS ONE, 15(12). RIS download Bibtex download
  • TEH K, WILKINSON ID, SLOAN GP, TESFAYE S & SELVARAJAH D (2020) . Diabetes, 69(Supplement 1), 533-P. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilkinson ID, Teh K, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Shillo P, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2020) . Diabetes, 69(8), 1804-1814. RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Wilkinson I, Teh K, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Pallai S, Kelsall A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2019) Central brain mechanisms that predict treatment response in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S15-S16) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Palai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Wilkinson I (2019) Central pain signature for painful diabetic neuropathy (DN) derived from magnetic resonance imaging. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S17-S17) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Tesfaye S, Pallai S, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Selvarajah D (2018) Regional brain volume reduction in diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a magnetic resonance imaging volumetry study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 61 (pp S33-S33) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Wilkinson ID, Awadh M, Teh K, Pallai S & Tesfaye S (2018) Pain network functional connectivity in painful diabetic neuropathy: Resting State Functional MRI study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 61 (pp S32-S33) RIS download Bibtex download

All publications

Journal articles

  • SLOAN GP, TEH K, SELVARAJAH D & TESFAYE S (2023) . Diabetes, 72(Supplement_1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • SELVARAJAH D, TEH K, ANANDHANARAYANAN A, SLOAN GP & TESFAYE S (2023) . Diabetes, 72(Supplement_1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • SLOAN GP, TEH K, RAPPAI SHILLO P, TESFAYE S, SELVARAJAH D & WILKINSON ID (2023) . Diabetes, 72(Supplement_1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • SLOAN GP, SELVARAJAH D, TEH K & TESFAYE S (2022) . Diabetes, 71(Supplement_1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • TEH K, WILKINSON ID, SLOAN GP, TESFAYE S & SELVARAJAH D (2022) . Diabetes, 71(Supplement_1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • TEH K, SLOAN GP, WILKINSON ID, TESFAYE S & SELVARAJAH D (2022) . Diabetes, 71(Supplement_1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • SLOAN GP, SELVARAJAH D, TEH K, SHILLO PR, WILKINSON ID & TESFAYE S (2021) . Diabetes, 70(Supplement 1), 210-OR. RIS download Bibtex download
  • TEH K, WILKINSON ID, SHILLO PR, SLOAN GP, TESFAYE S & SELVARAJAH D (2021) . Diabetes, 70(Supplement 1), 422-P. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Wilkinson ID, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Pallai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2021) . Diabetologia. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Armitage P, Tesfaye S, Selvarajah D & Wilkinson ID (2020) . PLoS ONE, 15(12). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dake MD, De Marco M, Wilkinson I, Teh K, Mitolo M, Remes A, Liu Y, Pikkarainen M, Soininen H & Venneri A (2020) . Alzheimer's & Dementia, 16(S4). RIS download Bibtex download
  • TEH K, WILKINSON ID, SLOAN GP, TESFAYE S & SELVARAJAH D (2020) . Diabetes, 69(Supplement 1), 533-P. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilkinson ID, Teh K, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Shillo P, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2020) . Diabetes, 69(8), 1804-1814. RIS download Bibtex download
  • SELVARAJAH D, TEH K, SLOAN GP, SHILLO PR, WILKINSON ID & TESFAYE S (2019) . Diabetes, 68(Supplement 1), 326-OR. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Meineke J, Wenzel F, De Marco M, Venneri A, Blackburn DJ, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Katscher U (2018) . Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(14), 14nt01-14nt01. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Deppe MH, Teh K, Parra-Robles J, Lee KJ & Wild JM (2010) . Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 202(2), 180-189. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Giesel FL, Mehndiratta A, von Tengg-Kobligk H, Schaeffer A, Teh K, Hoffman EA, Kauczor H-U, van Beek EJR & Wild JM (2009) . Academic Radiology, 16(4), 495-498. RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Zanche N, Chhina N, Teh K, Randell C, Pruessmann KP & Wild JM (2008) . Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 60(2), 431-438. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wild JM, Woodhouse N & Teh K (2007) . Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 57(6), 1185-1189. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, de Zanche N & Wild JM (2007) . Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 185(1), 164-172. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wild JM, Teh K, Woodhouse N, Paley MNJ, Fichele S, de Zanche N & Kasuboski L (2006) . Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 183(1), 13-24. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Lee KJ, Paley MNJ & Wild JM (2006) . Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55(2), 258-262. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Teh K, Caunt S, Wilkinson I, Selvarajah D & Tesfaye S () . Diabetes. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Sloan G, Teh K, Wilkinson ID, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Grieg M, Pallai S & Tesfaye S () . Diabetes Care. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Armitage P, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D () . Neuroinformatics. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Selvarajah D, Lim J, Teh K, Chen X, Wu J & Tesfaye S (2023) , Contemporary Diabetes (pp. 427-438). Springer International Publishing RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Selvarajah D, Tripathi P, Teh K, Zhou S, Suvon MNI, Tesfaye S, Wild J, Bennett D, Segerdahl A, Steel D , Colvin L et al (2024) Leveraging artificial intelligence for predicting placebo vs treatment response in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 67 (pp S444-S444) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, McAllister J, Anandhanarayanan A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2023) A novel data driven machine learning approach to identify painful diabetic neuropathy subtypes from resting-state functional magnetic resonance brain imaging. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Anton A, Teh K, Shillo P, Greig M, Goonoo M, Caunt S, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2023) Preservation of thalamic mitochondrial and neuronal function in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mcallister J, Teh K, Anandhanarayanan A, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2023) Using artificial intelligence to identify patients with painful diabetic neuropathy: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance brain imaging study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Sloan G, Pallai S & Tesfaye S (2023) Cerebral dopamine receptor engagement and treatment response: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 66(SUPPL 1) (pp S469-S469) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Anton A, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2023) Preservation of thalamic mitochondrial and neuronal function in Painful-Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: a multi-modal cerebral imaging study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 66(SUPPL 1) (pp S106-S106) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan GP, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2022) Increased functional connectivity of the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex and insular cortex following treatment withdrawal: A potential biomarker of painful-diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 39 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Wilkinson I & Tesfaye S (2022) Increased functional connectivity of the Thalamus and primary Somatosensory cortex and insular cortex following treatment withdrawal: a potential biomarker of painful-DPN. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S99-S99) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Mcallister J, Anandhanarayanan A, Fan J, Sloan G & Tesfaye S (2022) Better target engagement of opioid receptor systems in responders to neuropathic pain treatment: a neurotransmitter-enriched functional connectivity mapping study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S99-S99) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Mcallister J, Anandhanarayanan A, Fan J, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2022) Identification of painful diabetic neuropathy subtypes from functional connectivity resting state MRI patterns: a novel data driven machine learning approach. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S380-S380) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Mcallister J, Fan J, Anandhanarayanan A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2022) Better target engagement of opioid receptor systems in responders to neuropathic pain treatment: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 39 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Mcallister J, Fan J, Anandhanarayanan A, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2022) Deep learning Artificial Intelligence approach to treatment classification in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 39 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Greig M, Shillo P, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2021) Morphometric abnormalities of the brain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 64(SUPPL 1) (pp 33-34) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Wilkinson I, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Sloan G & Tesfaye S (2021) A novel, multimodal magnetic resonance imaging and a machine learning approach to classifying sensory phenotypes in painful DPN. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 64(SUPPL 1) (pp 316-317) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Shillo P, Greig M, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2021) Morphometric abnormalities in the brain in painless and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 38 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Wilkinson ID, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Pallai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2021) Abnormal somatosensory cortex functional connectivity in painful diabetic neuropathy: Clues to the pathogenesis of different sensory clinical phenotypes of neuropathic pain: A novel, multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 38 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2021) Diabetic painful neuropathy treatment response with deep learning classification. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 64(SUPPL 1) (pp 313-314) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Wilkinson ID, Agrawal S, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2020) Using magnetic resonance imaging to phenotype patients with painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 37 (pp 143-143) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilkinson I, Teh K, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Pallai S, Kelsall A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2019) Central brain mechanisms that predict treatment response in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S15-S16) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Palai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Wilkinson I (2019) Central pain signature for painful diabetic neuropathy (DN) derived from magnetic resonance imaging. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S17-S17) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilkinson ID, Hunt L, Teh K, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2018) Localised brain volume differences and cognitive status in subjects with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 61 (pp S521-S521) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Tesfaye S, Pallai S, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Selvarajah D (2018) Regional brain volume reduction in diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a magnetic resonance imaging volumetry study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 61 (pp S33-S33) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hunt L, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Tesfaye S & Wilkinson ID (2018) Cerebral blood flow and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 61 (pp S525-S525) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Wilkinson ID, Awadh M, Teh K, Pallai S & Tesfaye S (2018) Pain network functional connectivity in painful diabetic neuropathy: Resting State Functional MRI study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 61 (pp S32-S33) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Francis S, Buchanan C, Daniel A, Morris D, Priest A, Teh K, Thomas D, Gilthorpe M, Kalra P, Mendichovszky I , Taal M et al () . ISMRM Annual Meeting, 4 May 2024 - 9 May 2024. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sourbron S, Sousa JAE, Daniel A, Buchanan C, Gunwhy E, Lennie E, Teh K, Shillitoe S, Morris D, Priest A , Thomas D et al () . ISMRM Annual Meeting, 3 June 2023 - 8 June 2023. RIS download Bibtex download