Miss Paula Hutchinson

School of Medicine and Population Health

Curriculum Support Officer

+44 114 222 5529

Full contact details

Miss Paula Hutchinson
School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX

I am the Phase 3a Clerical Officer and work closely with Jacquie Harrison

I am involved with the planning, co-ordination and implementation of procedures to ensure the delivery of the curriculum along with planning course timetables and student handbooks. Preparation of exam papers and results forms a large part of my role.

I am often the first point of contact for students requiring advice and support in relation to leave of absence, examinations/assessments, placements, course work submissions and personal issues etc,

I also work alongside Fran Oldale on the BMedSci. Here I plan the Introductory Lectures and Presentation Day, timetable the Ethics and Statistics elements and monitor the supervision of students. Fran and I work closely on the process of the Ethics and Statistics results.