Professor Tim Chico
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
Honorary Consultant Cardiologist
Director South Yorkshire EPSRC DIgital Health Hub
+44 114 222 2396
Full contact details
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
- Profile
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Tim is Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of 葫芦影业 and a consultant Cardiologist at 葫芦影业 Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. His national roles include Associate Director of the British Heart Foundation Data Science Centre, where he leads the Smartphone and Wearable data theme. Tim's career has spanned academia and industry across genetics, vascular biology, drug discovery and health data science. He jointly leads South Yorkshire's specialist service for pregnant women with heart disease and sits on the council of the UK Maternal Cardiology Society.
- Research interests
My research focuses on how data from smartphones and wearables can be used to improve health and healthcare. These devices are used by over 90% of adults, and provide data on a range of important aspects of health. This includes physical activity, sleep, heart rate, and environment. However, such data is not yet used in medicine due to a range of obstacles that need to be overcome.
Current projects
- Next-generation sequencing of peripheral blood in patients with acute coronary syndromes
- Using the zebrafish to study macrophage/endothelial interactions
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- . EMBO reports.
- . Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.
- . Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10.
- . Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 12(4), 379-389.
- . Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 37(1), 130-143.
- . Circulation Research, 119, 450-462.
- . J Biomed Opt, 21(6), 66012-66012.
- . PharmacoEconomics, 34(5), 463-477.
- . Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 85, 207-214.
- . PLoS One, 9(2), e88767.
- . Dis Model Mech, 7(2), 259-264.
- . PLoS One, 9(2), e88388.
- . Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci, 124, 155-188.
- . Cardiovasc Res, 100(2), 252-261.
- . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 33(6), 1257-1263.
- . Angiogenesis, 1-15.
- . Atherosclerosis, 220(2), 310-318.
- . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 31(9), 1988-1990.
- . PLoS ONE, 10(10).
All publications
Journal articles
- . The Lancet Digital Health.
- . The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 45, 101037-101037.
- . BMJ Open, 14(5), e080445-e080445.
- . Sensors, 23(19).
- . The Lancet Digital Health, 5(7), e467-e476.
- . BMJ Open, 13(6), e072952-e072952.
- . Sensors, 23(12).
- . Disease Models & Mechanisms, 16(4).
- . Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 43(4), 547-561.
- . Sensors, 22(20).
- . Science Advances, 8(35).
- . Current Protocols, 2.
- . Development, 149(3).
- . F1000Research, 10, 1032.
- . Vascular Biology, 3(1), 1-16.
- . BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7(2), e000614corr1-e000614corr1.
- . British Journal of Anaesthesia.
- . Cell Mol Life Sci.
- . Cardiovascular Research.
- . Genes, 12(2).
- . Vascular Biology.
- . BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 6(1).
- . Emergencias, 32(1), 57-58.
- . Nature Reviews Cardiology, 17(1), 52-63.
- . DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms, 12(9).
- . Kidney International Reports, 4(7), S115-S115.
- . EMBO reports.
- . Developmental Dynamics.
- . Neuroradiology.
- . Nature Communications, 10.
- . Nature Communications, 10.
- . Journal of Imaging, 5(1).
- . Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.
- . Heart, 104(24), 1993-1994.
- . FEBS Journal.
- . Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10.
- . Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 12(4), 379-389.
- . Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 37(1), 130-143.
- . Circulation Research, 119, 450-462.
- . J Biomed Opt, 21(6), 66012-66012.
- . PharmacoEconomics, 34(5), 463-477.
- . Atherosclerosis, 244, E7-E7.
- . Atherosclerosis, 244, E8-E9.
- . Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 85, 207-214.
- . PLoS One, 9(2), e88767.
- . Dis Model Mech, 7(2), 259-264.
- . PLoS One, 9(2), e88388.
- . Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci, 124, 43-63.
- . Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 124.
- . Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci, 124, 155-188.
- . Cardiovasc Res, 100(2), 252-261.
- Zebrafish as a model to investigate the effect of P2Y12 knockdown on leukocyte migration. JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 11, 450-450.
- . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 33(6), 1257-1263.
- . British Journal of Cancer, 108(1), 9-13.
- . Angiogenesis, 1-15.
- Bioinformatics Analysis of the FREM1 Gene鈥擡volutionary Development of the IL-1R1 Co-Receptor, TILRR. Biology, 1(3), 484-494.
- . Curr Opin Pharmacol, 12(5), 608-614.
- . Heart, 98(5), 345-348.
- . Atherosclerosis, 220(2), 310-318.
- . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 31(9), 1988-1990.
- . Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today, 93(2), 134-140.
- . Thromb Haemost, 105(5), 811-819.
- . Haematologica, 96(12), 1753-1760.
- Phosphate: The new cholesterol? The role of the phosphate axis in non-uremic vascular disease. Atherosclerosis.
- . BMC Public Health, 10, 620.
- . Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 103(4), 797-807.
- . J Pathol, 220(2), 186-197.
- . Physiol Genomics, 38(3), 319-327.
- . Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 8(1), 176-177.
- The zebrafish as a novel tool for cardiovascular drug discovery. Recent Pat Cardiovasc Drug Discov, 4, 1-5.
- . Heart, 95, e2.
- In-vivo observations on angiogenesis in embryonic zebrafish: dose-dependent effects of the prolyl-4-hydroxylase inhibitor, Di-methyl oxalyl-glycine, on arterial development. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 29, 239-239.
- . Trends Cardiovasc Med, 18(4), 150-155.
- . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 27(10), 2135-2141.
- . Vascular Pharmacology, 45(3), e60-e60.
- . J Magn Reson Imaging, 24, 1124-1132.
- . Clinical Science, 104(s48), 4P-5P.
- Science and medicine 2001. Clin Med, 2, 256-257.
- . Circulation, 103(8), 1135-1141.
- Key developments in unstable angina.. Practitioner, 243(1603), 706-714.
- Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition by Lamifiban reduces the neointimal response to angioplasty in a porcine model. Heart, 81(SUPPL. 1).
- . Scientific Reports, 14(1).
- . Nature Reviews Cardiology.
- . British Journal of Sports Medicine.
- . British Journal of Sports Medicine.
- . British Journal of Sports Medicine.
- . Sensors, 23(14), 6333-6333.
- . Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e42449-e42449.
- . British Journal of Pharmacology.
- .
- .
- . PLoS ONE, 9(5), e97392-e97392.
- . Drug Discovery Today: Technologies.
- .
- . PLoS ONE, 10(10).
- .
- , Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 270-281). Springer International Publishing
- , AAGBI Core Topics in Anaesthesia 2015 (pp. 15-27). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Conference proceedings papers
- . Basic Science
- . Basic Science
- . Basic science
- . Basic science
- . Basic science
- Inhibition of VEGF Signalling Mitigates the Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia-Like Phenotype in Endoglin Mutant Zebrafish. JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH, Vol. 58 (pp 2-2)
- Endothelial Cells Form Transient Cystic Structures During Zebrafish Cerebrovascular Development. CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS AND THERAPY, Vol. 33(2) (pp 265-265)
- . Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Vol. 894 (pp 343-353), 9 July 2018 - 11 July 2018.
- . Atherosclerosis, Vol. 241(1) (pp e73-e73)
- . HEART, Vol. 99 (pp A6-A6)
- . HEART, Vol. 99
- . ATHEROSCLEROSIS, Vol. 225(2) (pp E1-E1)
- . HEART, Vol. 98 (pp A5-A5)
- . HEART, Vol. 98 (pp A4-A4)
- Macrophage-delivered signals drive inflammation resolution in an in vivo zebrafish model. IMMUNOLOGY, Vol. 137 (pp 255-255)
- Using zebrafish as an in vivo model to study Candida albicans-mediated systemic candidiasis. MYCOSES, Vol. 55 (pp 11-11)
- . HEART, Vol. 98 (pp A68-A68)
- Cytochrome P450 2C19 Loss-Of-Function Genetic Variants but not Paraoxonase-1 Activity Modulate P2Y12 Blockade in Response to Clopidogrel Therapy. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, Vol. 58(20) (pp B45-B45)
- . HEART, Vol. 97(20) (pp 1-1)
- . HEART, Vol. 97(20) (pp 15-15)
- . HEART, Vol. 97(20) (pp 8-8)
- . HEART, Vol. 97(20) (pp 12-12)
- . HEART, Vol. 97(20) (pp 7-7)
- . HEART, Vol. 97 (pp A43-A43)
- Sulf1 mediates zebrafish arterial venous identity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, Vol. 91(6) (pp A12-A12)
- Wiskott Aldrich syndrome protein knockdown enhances collateral vessel formation in zebrafish. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, Vol. 31 (pp 622-622)
- . HEART, Vol. 95(22)
- . HEART, Vol. 95(22)
- . HEART, Vol. 95(22)
- . HEART, Vol. 95(22)
- . HEART, Vol. 95(22)
- In-vivo observations on angiogenesis: Dose-dependent effects of the prolyl-4-hydroxylase inhibitor, di-methyl oxalyl-glycine, on arterial development in embryonic zebrafish. HEART, Vol. 94 (pp A47-A48)
- Identifying novel regulators of arteriogenesis using the zebrafish. CIRCULATION, Vol. 116(16) (pp 41-42)
- Site of arterial occlusion determines nitric oxide requirement during arteriogenesis in a zebrafish model. HEART, Vol. 93(2)
- Determining the transcriptional effect of shear stress in vivo. HEART, Vol. 93(2)
- Sulf1C is required for correct aortic construction in zebrafish. HEART, Vol. 93(2)
- The zebrafish as a novel model of arteriogenesis. HEART, Vol. 92 (pp A1-A1)
- Nitric oxide is not required for vasculogenesis or angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos. HEART, Vol. 91 (pp A28-A28)
- High-resolution magnetic resonance angiography demonstrates arteriogenesis in response to sustained release murine vascular endothelial growth factor in a mouse model of peripheral arterial disease. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, Vol. 24 (pp 221-221)
- Integrin 伪IIb尾3 and 伪谓尾3 inhibition reduces neointima after porcine coronary angioplasty. Heart, Vol. 83(SUPPL. 1)
- A selective integrin alpha V beta 3 antagonist reduces neointimal proliferation in a porcine coronary angioplasty model via a thrombus independent mechanism. CIRCULATION, Vol. 100(18) (pp 414-414)
- Antagonists of integrins alpha IIb beta 3 and alpha v beta 3 reduce the neointimal response to arterial injury in a porcine coronary angioplasty model.. AM J CARDIOL, Vol. 84(6A) (pp 29P-30P)
- Teaching interests
My teaching and other lecture duties cover clinical cardiology, developmental biology, cardiovascular physiology and pathology and the use of non-mammalian models of cardiovascular disease. I also have an interest in the effect of exercise on cardiovascular physiology and health.
- Professional activities and memberships
I am on the British Heart Foundation Projects Grant Committee. I regularly review manuscripts and grants for a range of journals and funders.
I am a mentor on the University of 葫芦影业 .