Dr Elizabeth Croot
PhD, MMedSci, Grad Dip Phys, SFHEA
School of Medicine and Population Health
Senior Lecturer
Deputy Director of HSR Section
Deputy Director of HCRU
+44 114 222 1725
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I am deputy director of the Health and Care Research Unit which focuses on the development and evaluation of complex interventions and services in healthcare, social care and third sector organisations.
My research interests lie in user centred disability research and complex intervention development and evaluation. I am interested in working closely with people with intellectual disabilities, using qualitative methods, to improve access to, and outcomes of, health and social care services as well as other community assets.
My background is physiotherapy and I have an MMedSci in primary and community care. I completed my PhD at ScHARR in 2005. This was an exploration of the experiences of Pakistani parents caring for children with high support needs.
I joined the Medical Care Research Unit in 2011 and have been PI and co-applicant on a range of research grants with people with intellectual disabilities.
I am a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have a strong commitment to promoting and supporting clinical academic careers for nurses and allied health professionals.
- Research interests
- User centred disability research methods
- Improving service user experience of health and social care services
- Development and evaluation of complex interventions
Current projects
- Co-producing two toolkits of resources to promote EQUal Access to flexible support planning for Adults with Learning Disabilities (EQUALD)
Previous projects
- Gaining entry access to primary and community health care services for adults with intellectual disabilities: mapping and targeted systematic review
- INDEX Identifying and critiquing approaches to intervention development
- DEUCE Drivers of Demand for Emergency and Urgent Care services
- WiLD Weight loss for people with learning disabilities
- COPES Community-based peer support: Developing a model for promoting health literacy
- PEFUTIA Patients’ experiences of follow up after transient ischaemic attack
- Career Development Award, NIHR School for Social Care
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
All publications
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Teaching interests
I am particularly interested in engaging students in the design and development of our programmes and in working with public and private sector organisations to ensure our programmes are relevant and attractive to future employers. I supervise Masters dissertations for the MPH suite of programmes and the MClinRes.
I currently supervise three PhD students, an NIHR In Practice fellow and advise on another PhD funded by an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship:
- Nuha Alshaaili: The Rehabilitation Journey of a Child with Disability: Parental Acceptance and Resilience.
- Cheryl Grindell: Exploring the role of co-design as a knowledge mobilisation strategy for musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
- Marilyn Bradbury: Developing an intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour in non-ambulant young people with long-term disabilities (advisor).
- Gillian Martin: An exploration of the way adults with learning disabilities perceive their weight and understand weight management.
- James Bird: Adapting an oral health quality of life measure for use with adults with learning disabilities (NIHR In Practice Fellowship).
I have supervised four PhD students to successful completion and I would be interested in hearing from students interested in research with people with learning disabilities, physiotherapy research or developing and evaluating complex interventions.
- Professional activities and memberships
I am a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and HPCP registered (PH41760).