Dr Munya Dimairo
BSc (Hons) (Statistics), MSc (Medical Statistics), PhD (Medical Statistics)
School of Medicine and Population Health
Senior Research Fellow/ Statistician

+44 114 222 5204
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Room 2029
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
Munya leads statistical support in designing, conducting, monitoring, analysing, and reporting studies (mostly clinical trials) within the University of 葫芦影业 Clinical Trials Research Unit (CTRU). This includes overseeing multiple projects that are at various stages to ensure high-quality delivery. He also supports the development of research proposals for funding. In addition, Munya leads and collaborates on methodological research aimed at improving efficiency in the conduct of trials and implementing innovative and efficient designs within the unit, such as adaptive trial designs. His vast research interests are around innovative clinical trials statistical methodology and their translation into routine practice. He serves as an independent statistician on trial steering and data monitoring committees of several publicly funded clinical trials.
Munya holds a BSc (Hons) in Statistics from the University of Zimbabwe, an MSc in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (funded by Wellcome Trust), and a in Medical Statistics from the University of 葫芦影业 (funded by the NIHR, DRF-2012-05-182). His PhD investigated the utility of adaptive designs in publicly funded confirmatory trials.
Munya is based in the Design, Trials and Statistics (DTS) section within SCHARR.
- Qualifications
BSc (Hons) (Statistics), MSc (Medical Statistics), PhD (Medical Statistics)
- Research interests
- Clinical trials methodology
- Adaptive designs, especially group sequential methods and treatment selection in multi-arm and platform trials
- Transparency and reporting of adaptive trials
- Statistical issues around the application of a stepped wedge trial design
- Bayesian inference and borrowing of information in clinical trials
- Early phase clinical trials
- Diagnostic accuracy studies
- Hierarchical or Multilevel modelling
- Multiple imputation techniques in dealing with missing data
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
Website content
Theses / Dissertations
All publications
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
Website content
Theses / Dissertations
- Grants
- Enhancing the design, conduct and analysis of Adaptive and Platform Trials through consensus-driven Statistical Analysis Plan guidance (APT-SAP). MRC-NIHR BMBR (APP42050). Co-lead. 拢59,930.
- NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award for Bethan Bellwood. NIHRC (NIHR304807). Co-applicant and Lead Supervisor. 拢71,603.
- Accelerating the development of a perinatal platform trial to efficiently evaluate the effectiveness of multiple interventions in maternity and neonatal care. NIHR (NIHR156043). Co-applicant. 拢199,592
- NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award for Isabelle Wilson. NIHRC (NIHR302738). Co-applicant and Lead Supervisor. 拢66,757
- Diversity and inclusion in early phase trials. Research England. Co-applicant. 拢22.910
- Efficacy and mechanism evaluation of transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation for upper limb recovery post-stroke 鈥 a randomised, controlled, multi-arm, multi-stage, adaptive design trial. NIHR (NIHR133169). Co-applicant. 拢1,704,864.
- Double-blinded placebo control study of Mesenchymal Intravenous Stromal cell Infusions in children with recessive dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (MissionEB). NIHR (NIHR127963). Co-applicant. 拢2,451,255.
- MICA: Early Phase Dose-finding Trials: Development of reporting guidance to improve knowledge transfer. MRC (MR/T044934/1). Co-applicant. 拢306,579.
- STOP-OHSS (Shaping and Trialling Outpatient Protocols for Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome): A feasibility study and randomised controlled trial, with internal pilot, to assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of earlier active management of OHSS. NIHR HTA (NIHR128137). Co-applicant. 拢1,782,753.
- A Practical Adaptive & Novel Design and Analysis (PANDA) toolkit. NIHR CTU Support Funding (NIHR129761). Lead Investigator. 拢98,886.
- Costing Adaptive Trials (CAT): developing best practice costing guidance for CTUs supporting adaptive trials. NIHR CTU Support Funding (NIHR130351). Co-applicant. 拢55,629.
- Development of CONSORT guidance for adaptive clinical trials. NIHR CTU Support Funding (NIHR129671) and MRC HTMR (MR/L004933/1-R/N/P/B1). Lead Investigator in collaboration with the MRC HTMR Adaptive Designs Working Group, CONSORT Group and international researchers. 拢63,000.
- Utility of adaptive designs in publicly funded trials. NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship (DRF-2012-05-182). Lead investigator. 拢206,221.
- NHS England Specialised Commissioning 鈥 NIHR 2018 Funding Call for CTUs. Co-applicant. 拢13 961.
- Outcome Measures for Emergency Care after a Seizure (OMECS): NIHR CTU Support Funding. (NIHR129743). Co-applicant. 拢9,852.
- Can Physiotherapy effectively treat patients with Lumbar Radicular Syndrome secondary to MRI demonstrable disc prolapse? A preliminary randomised trial of patients awaiting lumbar micro-discectomy. NIHR RfPB (PB-PG-0110-21158). Co-applicant. 拢197,129.
- Nutritional Rehabilitation in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 鈥 A randomised controlled pilot trial. CLAHRC South Yorkshire. Co-applicant. 拢28,170.
- Masters Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine at LSHTM. Wellcome Trust (085840/Z/08/Z). Lead Investigator. 拢75,919.
- Teaching interests
Supervision of postgraduate research students in areas around trials and statistical methods.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Trials Associate Editor
- Member of the BMC Medicine Editorial Board
- Member of the Research Square Advisory Board
- Member of the ICTMC Scientific Committee
- Member of the MRC/NIHR TMRP ADWG
- Advisory board member of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on adaptive trials in low- and middle-income countries
- Reviewer of grant proposals for publicly funding bodies such as NIHR and MRC
- Independent Trial Statistician on trial steering and data monitoring committees
- Independent statistical reviewer for several journals including the BMJ, The Lancet, and The Lancet Infectious Diseases
- Member of the NIHR HTA CET Funding Committee