Nyantara Wickramasekera
School of Medicine and Population Health
Research Fellow
+44 114 222 4349
+44 114 222 4349
+44 114 222 0749
Regent Court (ScHARR)
Full contact details
Nyantara Wickramasekera
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
My research focuses on supporting patients to help make informed treatment decisions, and valuation of health and wellbeing outcomes to inform public policy for the allocation of healthcare resources. Within this field of health economics outcomes research, my interests fall into three key areas:
- Estimating preferences using Discrete Choice Experiments (DCE) to support patient decision-making and inform policymaking.
- Measuring and valuing health outcomes.
- Conducting economic evaluations alongside trials.
- Qualifications
- Master of Science in Evidence-Based Social Intervention, University of Oxford, 2013
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics and International Studies, Earlham College, United States of America, 2011
- Research interests
Current projects:
- NIHR Doctoral Fellow: Development and evaluation of a patient decision tool to promote informed decision-making for patients who are considering medical or surgical treatments for UC.
Past projects:
- DCE study: Patient preferences for treatment options for PIlonidal sinus Treatment: STudying the OPtions (PITSTOP); NIHR HTA (17/17/02); £754,129.60
- DCE/mapping study: SIPHER (System-science Informed Public Health and Economic Research for Non-communicable Disease prevention); UK Prevention Research Partnership (MR/S037578/1) £4,980,461.00
- DCE study: Estimating the relative importance of factors in the choice to make a clinical negligence claim; EEPRU £87,299
- DCE study: PoPSTER: Patient preferences and current Practice for adults with STERoid resistant ulcerative colitis; NIHR HTA (17/72/02); £187,103.20
- Trad-off/WTP study: The Design, Development, Commissioning and Evaluation of Patient-Focused Vascular Services; NIHR HTA (RP-PG-1210-12009); £1,884,127.00
- Economic evaluation: PRaCTICED- Pragmatic, Randomised Controlled Trial assessing the non-Inferiority of Counselling and its Effectiveness for Depression; British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy; £449,832.00
- Economic evaluation: Understanding the impacts of care farms on health and well-being: A Pilot study to assess the cost-effectiveness of care farms; NIHR PHR (11/3050/08); £ 468,153.76
- Qualitative study: Information systems: monitoring and managing from ward to board; NIHR HS&DR - 13/07/68; £ 382,441.00
- Publications
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Journal articles
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Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Teaching interests
I teach on a number of modules (Key Issues in Public Health, Economic Evaluation and Healthcare Financing, Research Methods) on the Master of Public Health course and I supervise MPH dissertation students.
- Professional activities and memberships
- NIHR Doctoral Fellow 2023-2026
- NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellow 2021-2022
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Member of the
- Member of ScHARR Ethics Committee
- Member of the UK Health Economists' Study Group
- Member of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)