Olena Mandrik
MSc Maastricht (the Netherlands), PhD Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health
Research Fellow
+44 114 222 6392
Full contact details
Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined HEDS as a modeller in October 2018 after two-year post-doctoral fellowship in the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization. Prior to this I was employed by the Erasmus University Rotterdam, School of Health Policy and Management, were earlier (2015) I defended my PhD. My path to science was long, and I have a seven-year experience in pharmaceutical business organizations. Starting from Manager in Pharmacoeconomics and growing to the Head of the Market Access Department, I was employed by such global companies as Janssen-Cilag, Merck, and Sanofi. Within HEDS I specialise in public health-related modelling projects, focussing particularly upon modelling of cancer prevention and early detection.
- Research interests
- Cancer prevention and early detection
- Calibration of cancer natural history disease models
- Implementation research
- Global research
Current projects
- I currently work on a microsimulation model for colorectal cancer
- Publications
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All publications
Journal articles
- . Clinical Otolaryngology.
- . JAMA Network Open, 7(9).
- Development of the Microsimulation Model in Cancers of Bladder and Kidney (MiMiC-BlaKy). HEDS Discussion Paper Series(24.03).
- . BMJ Open, 13(9).
- . Journal of Cancer Policy, 35.
- . New England Journal of Medicine.
- . Preventive Medicine Reports, 30, 101987-101987.
- . Frontiers in Oncology, 12.
- . Preventive Medicine.
- . Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 17(3), 385-394.
- . Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, 27(10), 1495-1499.
- . Frontiers in Public Health.
- . Preventive Medicine.
- . PLoS ONE, 15(8).
- . Journal of Medical Screening.
- . PLoS ONE, 1.
- . Cancer Medicine.
- . International Journal of Cancer, 145(4), 994-1006.
- . PLoS ONE, 14(7).
- . Systematic Reviews, 6(1).
- . Open Medicine, 10(1).
- . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 31(6), 434-441.
- . Value in Health, 17(7), A443-A444.
- . Value in Health Regional Issues, 2(2), 205-209.
- . Value in Health, 13(7), A400-A400.
- . PharmacoEconomics.
- . Journal of Medical Internet Research.
- . Systematic Reviews, 13(1).
- . PharmacoEconomics.
- . BJU International.
- Modelling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on bowel cancer screening outcomes in England: a decision analysis to prepare for future screening disruption. Preventive Medicine.
- Should colorectal cancer screening start at different ages for men and women? Cost-effectiveness analysis for a resource constrained service. Cancer Reports.
- . Cancer Management and Research, 279-279.
- . ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 347-347.
- . Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 249-249.
- Critical Appraisal of Systematic Reviews with Costs and Cost-effectiveness Outcomes: an ISPOR Good Practices Task Force Report. Value in Health.
- . Cancer Prevention Research, canprevres.0620.2020-canprevres.0620.2020.
Conference proceedings papers
- Effect of online interactive decision tools on breast cancer screening decisions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, Vol. 155 (pp 24-24)
- . Value in Health, Vol. 15(7) (pp A428-A428)
- . Value in Health, Vol. 15(4) (pp A221-A221)
- . Value in Health, Vol. 15(4) (pp A32-A32)
- . Value in Health, Vol. 15(4) (pp A28-A28)
- . Value in Health, Vol. 14(7) (pp A444-A444)
- . Value in Health, Vol. 14(3) (pp A163-A163)