RF coil and MRI engineering lab
The RF coil engineering lab is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with the latest prototyping, testing and computer aided simulation facilities for bespoke RF coil and circuit design for advanced MRI applications. The most critical components are readily available to minimise development time.

We work closely with MRI industry partners, including GE Healthcare and third party RF coil companies, on collaborative projects. We also undertake consultancy and contract work for novel bespoke RF coil designs.
- Stratasys 3D printer
- LPKF PCB milling machine
- Mekko Industrial Dessicator
- Keysight Infiniium Oscilloscope
- 2 x Keysight ENA Series Network Analysers E5061B 5 Hz - 3 GHz
- Keysight EXA signal analyser N9010A 10 Hz - 3.6 GHz
- Tabor 350MHz Dual-Channel Arbitrary/Function Generator
- BK Precision Bench Power Supplies
- 8 MNS interface gateways for 129Xe for 3.0 T
- 1 Channel MNS interface gateways for 129Xe, 3He, 19F for 1.5 T and 3.0 T
- 16 channel 1H Research Interface Box for 3.0 T
- Omniflex optical temperature sensor
- Anritsu VNA Master 2-port 5 KHz to 6 GHz analyser
- Precision voltage and current probes
- Testing essentials such as adjustable phase shifters, zero bias detectors, directional couplers, DC blocks, high power attenuators
Computer aided simulation
- ANSYS Electronics Desktop
- Sim4Life
- Low noise amplifiers for 129Xe, 19F and 1H for 1.5 T and 3.0 T
- Non-magnetic diodes - PIN, auto bias and high power
- High grade copper
- High conductive epoxy
- Wide range of high Q ceramic capacitors - fixed and variable
- PCBs