The Barrier Optimising skincare for Neonatal Development trial (BOND)
Would you like to help researchers at 葫芦影业 and The University of Manchester understand how different skincare routines affect skin health, parental bonding and physical development in newborn babies?
What are we trying to find out?
Following birth our skin takes a number of years to mature before it gives us the protection we need from our environment. The way we care for our baby's skin, particularly the products we use, has an impact on this process.
The interaction between the parent and their baby during the use of skincare products can also be very rewarding, promote bonding and potentially help the development of the baby.
We would like to assess the e铿ects of three di铿erent skincare routines to determine their e铿ects on development of the skin, the parent-baby bond and the development of the baby. To do this we are looking to recruit 120 newborn babies.
Why have I been invited?
You are being invited to join because you will shortly become, or have just become, a mother who lives in the local She铿僥ld community.
What will happen if I take part?
You will be asked to follow 1 of 3 skincare routines for your baby each lasting 3 months. The routines involve the use of a cosmetic Baby Wash and Shampoo with or without a Baby Lo on .
You will need to a end 2 sessions at our skin research rooms at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. The 铿乺st will be 0-21 days following your baby's birth and the second 3 months after the 铿乺st session. We will arrange and pay for all taxi transfers to and from the hospital.
During the 2 sessions we will perform a number of harmless procedures on your baby's skin and ask you to complete a series of short questionnaires about your own feelings, your baby's development and your relationship with your baby. In addition to this we will ask you to keep a daily diary and provide a saliva sample at the beginning and end of the study so that we can determine your cortisol levels (a stress hormone).
To say thank you we will give each par cipant up to 拢100 in gift vouchers.
Who is organising and funding the research?
This study has been designed and organised by researchers at The University of She铿僥ld, The University of Manchester and the Sponsor, Johnson & Johnson. This study has been reviewed and given a favourable opinion by Yorkshire & The Humber - She铿僥ld Research Ethics Commi ee (Ref: 17/YH/0083), and She铿僥ld Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Ref: STH 19623).
What next?
To 铿乶d out more contact us at:
T: 0114 215 9539
E: 叠翱狈顿蔼蝉丑别铿侥濒诲.补肠.耻办